last night i got home around 3am, i went to sleep exhausted and wasn't even trying to do any type of LD, but i started to WILD, it was strange because the dream started out and all i saw was like a brown background.. i wasn't even there in the dream, but i decided to just sort of appear there.. it didn't last long because i woke up from it but as soon as i went back to sleep i WILD'd again and it was the same thing except i was already there at the brown background, i told myself to wake up but it was a false awakening, before i even got out of the bed i knew it was, i got up out of bed and walked around the house and went into the kitchen the light from outside acknowledged further that i was still dreaming because it was a ridiculous color, i then told myself to actually wake up and i did, i went back to sleep and yet again came into a WILD at that point i decided to try something, i told myself in my dream state to enter a friends dream, i said "enter --- ---'s dream" --- --- being the name of the person, my lucid dream started to fade out of what it was to begin with and took a whole new shape of some other dream in which i saw my friend in it walking around, i caught up to her and started to talk to her in her dream, i don't know if i actually dream walked or not because i haven't talked to her today about it, but i will ask her about it tomorrow or later tonight

i just thought it was weird that i WILD'd three times in a row, had a dream continuing, and a possible dream walk all in one night!