Nightmares for me are starting to be a common thing , bit lately i am starting to get seemingly related dreams in trilogies where I have a dream and few days pass , then another , few days and another. Then a long period of time passes by and get another different trilogy . For now I' m at the second trilogy and it is still not completed.

First trilogy:

I am dreaming that I died and went to the other world but i go down to earth again as a spirit ( me not knowing I m dead) and see my relatives and bf but no one sees me and i keep shouting that I m there but no one is seeing me. Then the dream is interrupted by ( I think ) an overlapping one where i see this hooded man running through the woods at night , large full moon . I cant see anything of this man apart his cloak but i Know its satan I feel it . Then I walk down this stair case which leads to a small gate with illegible inscriptions but i could feel it was the gate of hell although it was rather small to what others depict it to be .

the second dream is of me running next to my school being chased by this big black dog with made eyes and saliva dripping from his mouth with the intent to rip me apart and forces me of all places to hide for safety in a garbage skip!

The third dream was me and some friends playing a jump to dive game in the water after an other and such but when i dive ( this place is very strange dark and seemingly inside somewhere but its not clear . Like if it was a pool but its not ) I see a lot of satanic symbols and pentagrams and everything . Then me and my boyfriend go to different small bays and diving in each trying t find some treasure but we cant find any. Then we go to this building and go down stairs and meet some of my relatives but i cant identify which i knew they were my relatives . after words we go to this cave with water in the middle where i get the feeling like my grandmother is drowning but its only for a split second.Then me and my bf dive in this water in the cave going down and he is telling me that there is the treasure but I fear we are going to drown in pitch black waters were we see absolutely nothing and then I wake up.

Anxiety in these dreams are sky high obviously and still expecting teh third dream to close the secong triolgy ...but the first two are even worse than the first trilogy...I'll post later on