do you beleive the mind/brain is a creator or a filter?

creator: the mind/brain creates what it sees as an ongoing process in dreaming and/or reality, or with things such as visions/hollucinations, does it create these by itself out of nothing?


filter: for instense, imagine all is like white light or there is much more than what our mind percieves, only our brain acts as a filter to take what it wants and project this image outwards, like the pink floyde dark side of the moon cover in a sense, so with things like seeing auras, some peoples minds filter these out and others are open to it, and when one hollucinates or dreams, the filter has just let more in, in this sence the filter when sleeping shuts of this reality and opens a new one, where as with creating it would stop its creating process and start a new one also.

or maybe they both work simultaniously, like the filter lets the creation through, im confusing myself a bit here but what do you think?