I've been interested in lucid dreaming recently. I read and watched videos about it. I also used to smoke cannabis (but not anymore). Three weeks ago I quit smoking pot, but I was hit with a sudden rush of religiousness, and now I am very religious (to the point where I can get high from immersing myself in religion). I also use ginkgo biloba (40 mg of 50:1 standardized extract).

So that was just a background of me so that it may help you answer my question.

Yesterday, I had a very ambiguous dream and I think it was a lucid dream because it seemed strikingly real. Anyway, in the dream, I was walking around and then suddenly my walking slowed down to a stop, and I was not in control. I could not move my feet to even take a single step forward, I became frozen. And then suddenly all the colour faded and took on a sepia effect, and then turned to black and white. I cannot remember what happened after, but I am pretty sure that I lasted in this frozen state for a while and then the colour was restored and I started moving again.

Does anyone know what this dream could mean?