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    1. #1
      Ignominious Agent203rd's Avatar
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      Feb 2009

      Dreaming About The Near-Future

      Have you ever dreamt about something that would happen later on?
      I've had a few dreams like this already, in this one dream I had it was about my cousin getting out of jail, the next day he really did get out. Another one I had was about my other cousin getting his cast off, a couple of days later he sawed the cast off himself. A recent one was of my Aunt and a few others getting into an accident on the road and the next day we heard that they slid off the road and into a ditch, but it wasn't serious and nobody got hurt.

      I don't know if this is anything special and maybe it's just nothing, I don't know...any clues? any explanations?...hit me back.

      "Look To Your Future 'Cause Your Past Is All Behind Ya."

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Aug 2009
      Hi Agent203rd,

      Yes, I get precognitive dreams (that's the term that is generally used) all the time! I've seen people in dreams before I've ever met them, and seen them accurately. I dream events from both family and world events before they happen, but generally, without enough detail to like predict and prevent. Sometimes, though, when it's a personal event, I will get enough information to stop or change the events. I've known people who have avoided car accidents by paying attention to their dreams, and when they found themselves in a situation like the dream, doing something different, and thus avoiding the accident. I have had health warnings, and changed my habits, thus preventing what the dream showed coming. So they can be useful, especially the personal ones. I'm not so sure anymore about the world events ones... I think sometimes if we pooled information on world event dreams, we might get enough info to prevent a situation though. Occasionally, the family ones seem to be potentially helpful, but only if you have a family that actually listens, which I don't.

      Many of them also seem to serve the purpose of preparing us emotionally for a situation that is difficult, or simply to be about such mundane things that they seem only to serve to build our trust in the dreams when we have them. It's good to journal dreams and check back periodically and you'll see even more of them that you had forgotten, but when you re-read them you go, OH! That just happened!

      These dreams are in the Psi category. Psi is the scientific community's term for psychic. I don't think anyone has really come up with a good explanation as to how they work. They just do, and if you journal, you'll have a record of them that grows over time.

    3. #3
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      I haven't gotten any precognitive dreams lately. I used to get them all the time. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.


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