New Agers, and the opponents, agnostics... – I'm interested in your opinion on this topic.

Couple of days ago I kinda became aware of the link between the thing I have most interest in - dreams, with personal spiritual aspect.

I was wondering why the world of LD was of such special interest to me (apart being so much fun, of course)?

So, this is how I look at Lucid Dreaming.

When we are dreaming (non – lucid!), we are at the pitfully low level of awareness whatsoever (we sort of know we are human beings, we communicate in dreams...). Often we get scared and troubled by what seems to be important and very much real problems. We go through our dreams small, thinking it's our real life – or better yet – not thinking, just living the stupidity.

Then, we wake up. And we can not believe the amount of rubbish we accepted to be our reality in dreams. We also laugh at the fact that we were troubled and scared, and we say to ourselves: „If only I knew in my dreams that nothing could ever hurt me, that I was making them and that all the characters and appearances are simply a reflection of my own subconsciousness.“

And we get out of bed, continue with our day, our joys, our problems and our reality.

What is it that makes most of people believe that this is all there is? (And perhaps some god, far away from us physicaly, but preety much on the same conscious level, as he/she manages to perceive our words and decide whether we are good or evil... )

I would say – our 'awaken' level of consciousness.

Now, when we dream lucidly, we introduce the 'awaken' level of consciousness into the dream state. (we all know that, sort of an intro for the conclusion )

Do you think we could introduce a higher level into the 'awaken' state?

Lucid Dreaming opens up a perspective of awareness levels, that are higher than our limited mind (brain). Cause, personally, I believe consciousness is beyond the brain.

I have practiced meditation for a long time, and it makes me aware there is this spiritual level of space and time unity. But just recently I drew a parallel between this idea and the LD concept.

So, I'm curious about your point of view as lucid dreamers?