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    1. <span class='glow_00868B'>Raven Knight</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc
      Definitely not Templars. Way too many colors.
      I couldn't tell from the dream if they could be Templars or not, but in this point in time, a person no longer has to be a white man to be a Templar. So while I saw no reason to conclude they were Templars, I also saw no reason to rule it out. And they can wear whatever colors they want.

      BTW, cool dream! I can just imagine the look on that guy's face when you ran your sword through him! Priceless!
      Updated 08-29-2010 at 10:14 PM by Raven Knight
    2. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      Puffin, eh?

      Man, now I'm wishing I had written up my basic ToTM Completion for this month. . .
    3. Samael's Avatar
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      According to my completely anonymous sources, the basic task is "Get into an elevator, and see where you end up".
    4. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      What did these cult people look like? All White men?
      Definitely not Templars. Way too many colors.

      Rumour has it that you've unknowingly (?) completed the September TotM.
      Lawl, wut?

      What's the task? Ride an elevator?
    5. Samael's Avatar
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      Rumour has it that you've unknowingly (?) completed the September TotM.
    6. <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      What did these cult people look like? All White men?

      I just realized I will almost always go up to get away from an enemy. Well, that's what birds do, and in dreams we can fly. So maybe we think like birds in that aspect (in dreams.)
    7. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      I don't know your past dreams too well, I've read a few, but do you use that katana in non-lucids? Like, you use a weapon so much while lucid you start using it in non-lucids? Because I've always thought I could meet my dream guide and tell it to show up in a non-lucid so I become lucid Sort of the same deal. You know anything about that?
      Yeah, I'm just as likely to pull out my Katana in Non-Lucids as Lucids. This comes from my frequent and frugal use of that ability. Theoretically, you could get your DG to show up in non-lucids. It'd take a bit of work, though.

      Could you explain that attention switching in more detail because you don't in the entry. What did you turn your attention towards exactly? It'd be a nice technique to use in a bad situation just like you did. Like Samael said, that could have gone bad very quickly.
      Sure thing. What I did was think about everything that had happened before this incident, while keeping the idea of reaching my destination at the forefront of my mind. Whenever my thoughts started to stray to less than ideal outcomes, I immediately deferred to the idea of getting to where I wanted to be. Pretty straightforward, really.

      I should also note the idea I'm talking about was not expressed in words or images. It was a raw archetype, as I like to call them.

      And hammer arms? Fucking awesome. I'll have to try that eventually.
      There's nothing quite like splattering people with a swing of the arm. XP
    8. Requiem's Avatar
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      Its funny you'd take a seat in the chair and not stand at the altar...

      I don't know your past dreams too well, I've read a few, but do you use that katana in non-lucids? Like, you use a weapon so much while lucid you start using it in non-lucids? Because I've always thought I could meet my dream guide and tell it to show up in a non-lucid so I become lucid. Sort of the same deal. You know anything about that?

      And hammer arms? Fucking awesome. I'll have to try that eventually.

      Could you explain that attention switching in more detail because you don't in the entry. What did you turn your attention towards exactly? It'd be a nice technique to use in a bad situation just like you did. Like Samael said, that could have gone bad very quickly.

      Finally, this entry was the perfect size.
    9. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      You climb/rise up.

      You fall/jump down.

      Seems like a basic case of dreams forming around archetypes to me. Still a very interesting phenomena, I'm glad you brought it up.
    10. Samael's Avatar
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      There have been several instances where I've gone down stairs, but I usually jump entire flights at a time, for whatever that's worth.
      I didn't think of that. Now that you mention it, I've had a lot of dreams where I jump down a few stories or take to the stairs exactly like you said.
    11. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      Do you think it's a common dream-instinct, to keep going higher? I know I've never had to climb down from something.
      Now that you mention it, I tend to be going up much more than down. There have been several instances where I've gone down stairs, but I usually jump entire flights at a time, for whatever that's worth.

      Cults are usually a fun fight. The elevator scene, though, I could have seen that going very badly, very quickly. Sounds like you were surprised it didn't.
      It took a bit of attention shifting, but even though I believed the worst was going to happen, it didn't. I did not trust that elevator for one moment, and was more than happy to get off of it.
    12. Samael's Avatar
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      Do you think it's a common dream-instinct, to keep going higher? I know I've never had to climb down from something.

      Cults are usually a fun fight. The elevator scene, though, I could have seen that going very badly, very quickly. Sounds like you were surprised it didn't.
    13. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      I'm too lazy to read your old dream journal on this forum, let alone tracking you down somewhere else.
      Most of my newer stuff is better anyways, with few exceptions.

      Anywho, let's let other people have their say. As much as it may surprise you, Samael, yours is not the only opinion I value. =P
    14. Samael's Avatar
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      I didn't realize that Invader Zim had such a pervasive effect on the cultural consciousness. Suspicious...

      I'm too lazy to read your old dream journal on this forum, let alone tracking you down somewhere else. Whatever hypothetical advantage I might gain would be overshadowed by the fact that I haven't finished the Mike Carey book I just borrowed from the library.

      And, yeah, I'm probably going to have to keep it to one or two full updates a week soon. My course-load for next semester is intense.
      I hear ya. Real life has a tendency to do that.
    15. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      It's funny because I heard Zim's voice in my head when I wrote it.

      Me? I'll read everything you write. It's the perfect look into the mind of an opponent, after all.
      Everything? As honored as I am by this statement, if you're going as far as reading my post history on the other forums I frequent, then I might become slightly concerned. . .

      And, yeah, I'm probably going to have to keep it to one or two full updates a week soon. My course-load for next semester is intense.
    16. Samael's Avatar
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      4. Moar Bonus Entries of Doom, please. I need them to better construct my personality profile of you, so that when I kill you, and wear your skin, no one will notice a change in your behavior and become suspicious.
      I'm afraid I can't comment on the validity of this hearsay. I would, however, like to know who you bribed to gain access to my evil plans in the Waking Journal forum.

      Which leaves me with #1, and an uncontrollable desire to post this:


      I have been missing your crazy-epic multi-layered awesome dreams of Empire-toppling and such. When I read your Single Sentence Sizzlers!(r), I love the summaries, but I drive myself crazy looking for a link to the awesome story. And there isn't one. This cannot be allowed to continue.

      My posting schedule has been erratic this summer, so I'm hardly one to talk (but I will anyway). Consider posting real entries on the weekends, maybe? Just post one or two fully detailed dream journals (or Bonus Entries) on a day you aren't busy. Best to find a schedule that works for you.

      Me? I'll read everything you write. It's the perfect look into the mind of an opponent, after all.
    17. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      I figured someone would get a kick out of that one. =P
    18. Samael's Avatar
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      That is fucking priceless.
    19. Samael's Avatar
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      That is ingenious.
    20. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      Actually, being serious... one sentence tells basically the whole situation.
      Heh, I guess so. The one sentence restriction really forces me to make every word pull its fair share, so I'm glad I'm succeeding there. Honestly, I was worried these little entries wouldn't have any real substance to them.

      Thanks, Raven.
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