• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. LxANN's Avatar
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      Thank you :]
    2. Matte87's Avatar
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      Great advice PhantomLegend. Also go to bed when you're actually sleepy and at regular times. I would also suggest working out, I use my body all day long and I can barely keep my eyes open at 8 pm. I wish you the best of luck!
    3. LxANN's Avatar
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      Thank you so much, I will definitely take your advice next time and I will be sure to let you know how it went. I really do appreciate this.
    4. ty4TheAdventure's Avatar
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      For the hearing and seeing things, I went through something like that when I was much younger. I don't understand why, but there was a sort of paranoia as to whether or not there was something dangerous around. The sleepier I got, the less sense my reasoning made when it came to it. There are different ways to get over this, the main thing being that you convince yourself "There really isn't anything going on, and even if there was, I could face it because I'm strong!" mindset. It's kind of what I did and it sort of seeped into my dreams. Hahaha. Now if I have dreams that involve ghosts, dangers, and other supernatural things, my default mindset tends to be "Let's face it!"

      Another thing is probably a "I can't sleep and I'm losing the amount of time I have until I've gotta wake up" mindset. When I had insomnia in the past, I used to do this a lot and it just FUELED the insomnia. Really bad. Try not to count the minutes like that. Just try to relax and accept that you'll get whatever sleep you can get.

      Relaxation in general is key. Even if you don't fall asleep, think of maybe meditating while lying in your bed. Clearing your head and just focusing on your breathing. You might just happen to fall asleep!

      Now...back to my overnight studying... :O hahaha
    5. LxANN's Avatar
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      Well, I have always had anxiety, with just about anything I could possibly have it with but now its gotten a lot better. I wake up and I get really scared for no reason that somethings in the house, and I start hearing every little noise and sights that look even the slightest abnormal. I'm not sure if me being so stressed for the past few months has anything to deal with it. But I cant get much sleep, and I'm constantly waking up, and I wouldn't mind it much if I could easily fall back asleep:/
    6. ty4TheAdventure's Avatar
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      If the cause is anxiety, try solving whatever it is causing that anxiety. Many different situations in life can cause a sort of insomnia depending on how strong it is. Is the anxiety caused by the lack of sleep itself or something else?