• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    DJ Comments

    1. Sensei's Avatar
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      It depends. First time I tried to LD I succeeded (nap time!) Then forgot about LDing for a year. Next time I tried it took me 45 days. :/

      That should give you confidence when you reach your goal before you planned on it. Confidence is a big part of LDing.
    2. BjStrife's Avatar
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      I always thought LDs must be kinda like Minecraft, but you took it to a whole different level . Also a Minecraft/Skyrim combo? Damn, I want LDs, too .

      Grats btw
    3. Shalink's Avatar
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      I was acutally suprized when i went lucid because it usaully takes people at least a couple of weeks before they can.
    4. Sensei's Avatar
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      Good job! I am glad to see ya trying for the dream army base. You got it next time!
    5. anime's Avatar
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      Good job on your first LD
      Wish you more LDs!