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    1. More fragments

      by , 12-02-2011 at 12:23 PM
      These hardly seem worth writing down in detail lol but I might as well...

      - N came to my house and made veggie chicken nuggets in the microwave. I talked about my toaster oven. He went in the fridge and got BBQ sauce. I asked if he'd ever tried it with honey. He said no and I got some and he tried it and it was good. xD

      - I was in some sort of class, possibly art, and someone was supposed to play like...some Christmas song? or something? So they played it but it was Save Me by Darren Styles, except I was the only one who noticed, and everyone else thought it was a Christmas song.

      - Toronto. Again. Nothing really happened.

      I took some B6 and had quite a few more dreams but didn't write them down and forgot.
    2. Interrupted adventures

      by , 11-18-2011 at 07:53 PM
      - I was back in Toronto with N (went last week), and we were heading to the hotel we stayed at. When we got there though, there was some sort of event going on, and it cost $12 to get in. It didn't look anything like it really does. There was a lineup in front of a white booth where you paid this woman to get in.

      We got up there and learned the woman was the new owner. She said it was going to be $12, and I asked if that was for each of us or for both, but she didn't answer. I realized I only had a 10 so I asked N if I could borrow the rest (lol as usual). As we were talking I set my backpack on the floor and tried to give the woman my $10, but she refused to accept it. I asked why, but she was just making strange gestures and I couldn't understand. Then N said "we can't go in, your backpack is too dirty." I looked down and there was a bit of greyish dirt on top of my backpack. I thought this was ridiculous but we had to leave.

      Once we got out, N told me there was another way into the building. We went around the back and found the room we had stayed in, then climbed up the wall and into a space between the top of the wall and the roof, which led directly into the room. We emerged into the room and I looked down. We were really high up and I was afraid to jump down. N assured me it was fine and jumped right down onto the rolling desk chair right below us which was somehow okay. I was still scared but managed to find a way to hang down from the ledge and slowly climb down.

      We both ended up on the floor between the bed and the fireplace, and there were a bunch of grocery bags full of snacks around us that I knew were ours somehow but we hadn't brought. There were lots of empty bottles and cartons on the mantle that looked exactly like the ones we'd left there for a while, lol. There was also a small bottle of makeup remover there, and I found a ziploc bag containing three travel sized fancy skincare products. I wanted to take them but I didn't know whose they were.

      We found it funny that we actually made it, and I quickly got up and locked the door, but I was a bit loud. The door was a bit further forward than it really is. I sat back down, but suddenly we heard the owner lady outside the door. We started talking loudly in different voices so she would think there were guests inside and not come in. After a minute I realized N was talking about us smoking, and I was like 'wait dude you probably shouldn't say that'. The woman stopped outside our door and said something like, 'oh, those are cute voices you're using!' and I heard keys. We were like 'shit' and started trying to figure out a plan that also involved bringing all our snacks. Then I heard the door open, and...I woke up to my mom opening my door. :|

      - I went back to sleep after, thinking about the dream, but instead ended up in another one at my grandmother's house with N. I was in the living room and I knew he was in the playroom. There were a bunch of older people around but I didn't recognize any of them. I was trying to get some snacks because we had discovered that in the back of the playroom closet, there was a door with stairs that led to part of a massive secret underground lair/community of some sort, and we were going to go explore it.

      In front of the living room window there were all these bags of food, but I felt awkward taking it since it wasn't mine. Most of the bags were empty, but I grabbed a bag of what I thought were mini Coffee Crisps. I squished the bag a bit and it felt like something all crushed up was inside, but I took it anyway. As I went to the playroom, this blond hippie looking dude with dreads and round glasses who for some reason I knew was 19 followed me. He was all 'heyyy where are you going? who's that?' and we were trying to get away. I got there and opened the bag of coffee crisp, but it was full of tiny gravel. :| Explains the texture.

      So I went back to the living room with it, and realized when I got there that there was a hole in the bottom and it was trailing bits of gravel. One of the people got mad at me, but I was like 'it wasn't my fault!' I grabbed a handful of ruffled bbq chips from a bag and went back again. The hippie dude followed me in exactly the same way. When I got there I said "this is all I could find" and held out the handful of chips, and N took them all and ate them immediately. We were just about to finally head downstairs when I woke up. What a waste of time getting snacks lol.

      - Also this was from earlier but I forgot about it so I'm putting it here. I was at someone's house and I left a bag of weed next to the fridge. I dunno what we were doing but there was this weird floating worm creature, possibly on a skateboard and wearing glasses, that everyone was just treating normally but was slightly annoyed by. Then it told my mom I smoked weed. I was like 'wtf what did you do that for' and it was like 'lol'. My mom was like 'we need to have a talk when we get home', but we eventually went home and there was no talk, so everything seemed fine.

      These dreams had so much potential but just ended up being boring lol
    3. Long lucid

      by , 10-30-2011 at 06:05 PM
      I had a pretty good lucid, I wish I could remember more of it. So last night/this morning I fell asleep around 3am after being on DV for an hour or two writing and reading DJ entries, woke up around 6am, went and brushed my teeth and put stuff away and went back to sleep shortly after 6. I had this dream and woke up again around 9:30 to write down what I could.

      I'm not sure how I became lucid or anything. I don't remember much about the first part of the dream, only stuff towards the end. The environment was almost too realistic. I had to keep doing nose plug RCs to know I was still dreaming, because that was the only one that worked. My hands were normal, clocks didn't change (the alarm clock in my room said 10:42), technology worked fine, and text was readable. I was in my room for most of the parts I can remember, and everything looked completely normal; even the amount of light coming through the curtains and the position of the door were around the same when I woke up. I tried to make magic with my hands for the first time, but it didn't work. I also wanted to jump out of my window and fly around, but I couldn't get through the window for some reason. So basically there wasn't a whole lot to do.

      I remember thinking in the dream that it was really long and that it seemed to have been around an hour. I even considered that things could have just jumped forward to make it seem like more time had passed, but I remembered everything that had happened up to that point. (wish I could now lol) I thought once or twice about waking up but quickly got the idea out of my mind.

      I remember something about watching a ~10 minute long youtube video on my laptop, and that I skipped back to earlier in the video at one point. I think it was funny, and I think there was an old man with a beard in it, wearing a yellow coat in a snowy place. I was also talking to N on MSN. Everything on the computer was working completely normally. N was also dreaming apparently, and was telling me what was happening. At one point he apparently woke up but was still talking to me. He was like 'man do you know what I was dreaming about?' and I was like 'yeah I wrote it all down as you were telling me!' He then started rereading the conversation, at one point being like 'wait what?' because a lot of it was nonsensical words and gibberish. He mentioned one made-up word that started with M and was 5-6 letters, but I don't remember what it was. He said 'brb' at 1:09, but came back a minute or two later, and the last message in the convo I remember seeing was at 1:11 (PM I think).

      Trying to entertain myself in my room, I started dancing at one point for some reason, but got tired very quickly. I was disappointed that I would get that tired in a dream.

      It was nearing the end here and I was starting to lose lucidity. I looked out my window and saw a whole bunch of kids milling around in my neighbour's backyard. I was afraid they would be able to see me and ducked down. After that I took my laptop and went downstairs. My mom was there on the chair. I put my laptop down on the couch and went somewhere else for a minute, then came back and saw the laptop was open to a folder full of pictures I didn't recognize and it was downloading them from somewhere. I couldn't remember if I'd left my laptop in there with my mom all of a sudden and got worried that there were bad pictures on there and she saw them, but she didn't say anything.

      Suddenly everything started to fade and I realized I was going to wake up. I couldn't feel my body and my vision was just a computer screen showing a pictures folder again, I don't remember what they were. There was a little orange arrow in between two of them that I knew was 'marking my place' somehow. I started to hear voices asking me things like, "Hey, can you hear us? Is this okay?" It was as if I was just waking up from some kind of experiment or surgery.

      Then I found myself in my bed, did an RC and was awake. I grabbed my iPod to record what I could, annoyed that I forgot a lot of it.

      This wasn't part of the same dream I don't think, but I dunno when it was so I'll put it here. It was just a fragment where there was this weird creepy TV show or something with these two creepy guys, and I was there with someone else while they were filming it, and I think there were a bunch of kids around too. We'd seen the script or something saying they were going to bring out a baby. They came out with this bag, said something and took out this figure probably around 6 inches long. It was apparently the baby and I couldn't really tell if it was a living thing or not, it looked like a Barbie doll except with kind of strange angular body shapes, and it was moving constantly. I was pretty sure it was just a doll though.

      All that text and hardly anything actually happened, lol. After this accidental WBTB, I think I'll try doing one on purpose soon, after 3 hours, and see if I have any luck.

      Updated 10-30-2011 at 06:08 PM by 13525

      lucid , dream fragment
    4. 3ds

      by , 10-22-2011 at 06:58 PM
      - I was in line at a store behind N buying a 3DS, a cake, and a small container of sauce. I had a piece of paper from the store saying it would be $700 total. Then I realized I couldn't afford that and went to put it back. I started telling N about how I only had x amount of money for the trip and stuff and he got kinda annoyed.

      - Then I was watching someone play a new version of a computer game that didn't really make sense to me. In the old version you had to catch falling shapes, in the new version you would bounce off things and go as high as you could. It had a chiptunes kinda soundtrack, and the whole thing was oddly creepy.
    5. Edc

      by , 10-10-2011 at 06:04 PM
      - I was on a trip to the states with N. We went to a really big Hot Topic, but somehow we lost each other in there, and I couldn't find him for the rest of the day. We were supposed to go to a rave called 'EDC' that night, just the acronym, except it had no connection to actual EDC, it was just called that. But I ended up going without him.

      I wore my PJs, had no bag or kandi or anything and was kind of sad that I hadn't worn my pants and stuff and was kind of confused about why, but had the faint knowledge in the back of my mind that it was only a dream, so it was okay. No lucid though.

      The party was held inside a bank, which was absolutely massive and had nothing in it for some reason. There were a lot of people but it wasn't too crowded, and there were orangey lights over the whole thing. I ended up finding this kandi making place which was on this odd structure that reminded me of an arcade machine, but wooden and painted turquoise. There were shelves in it though and I hopped up and sat on it so I could get at everything. There were plastic containers full of beads, plus a few singles people had already made and left. There was also tons of normal and coloured elastic. There was one single that was red/gold/black and had these really cute black cat beads with a gold outline and red eyes. I took it for the beads. There was another single that had these really tiny pastel bunnies (in kinda the same shape as a bunny button I have) as well as tiny plastic pastel spheres. I took that one too. Then there was a container with these cool round bright swirly beads, so I grabbed a couple. I also took some pink elastic.

      I ended up meeting some cool people, and I was all awkward but they were nice and we sat in a circle and talked. I don't think I ended up actually making anything, though I intended to since I'd forgotten to wear any.

      When it was over I was sad N hadn't been there and felt like maybe I should have tried harder to contact him, but I tried again and still couldn't reach him. Someone was there to pick me up, but they didn't know what was going on and I didn't want to tell them where I'd been. I got in the car, then told them to hold on, ran back into the bank and grabbed more beads lol. I came back to the car and the person asked me why on earth I got beads at the bank. I had no answer to that.

      - I can hardly remember any of this one now, but I was with some weird guy, and I wanted to cut my hair but I wasn't allowed, and then he took my phone. There was some sort of plot though I think.

      Updated 10-30-2011 at 06:49 AM by 13525

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Drawing, driving, cats, etc.

      by , 09-01-2011 at 08:43 PM
      - I was driving a car and lost control of it; I jumped out and it drove itself into this convenience store parking lot a short distance away, and I saw it was a red truck. I ran over there but a man (who I knew was bad somehow) had gotten in and was about to drive away. I jumped in next to him. I don't remember what happened then but it switched to me telling some people about it. I was saying like "yeah so then I got in with him - great idea, right? hahah..."

      - I was at K's house, and went into her living room. It was all dark, and her cat was laying on the rocking chair. I started patting her, and was thinking she had a new name, though I don't remember what it was.

      Then suddenly it was bright again and K's family was in there with me. We were all sitting on the floor, and I was cross-legged with the cat in my lap. She also had these two tiny light orange tabby kittens; you could hold them comfortably in one hand. The cat I had already then climbed up on my chest and was sort of standing and giving me a hug. Someone gave me one of the kittens to hold, and I held it in my left hand, then reached out with my right hand for the other one. Apparently it was really funny that I was covered with cats and everyone was laughing. Someone took a picture then showed it to me.

      - I was going to meet up with N. [lol I always dream about this] I was sitting outside somewhere that seemed like a parking lot, then he texted me to say he was there. I stood up and started walking to where he was, which was just up some stairs and a few meters away. It was this weird, almost cave-like building that was basically like a really big, square, stone entrance, sort of attached to the side of a building. The area looked a lot like a street in my city that I used to walk down on my way to school.

      There were a bunch of people along the sides of the cave thing, and I walked in nervously, not sure if I would recognize him. Then he waved at me and I went over. I was really surprised because he looked exactly like this guy I follow on twitter except with black hair, which I don't think he does really. xD He was also shorter than me. He was holding a bag from KFC and eating from it.

      We left and started walking down the street, and he said something really quietly to me. I was like "what?" and then he started singing really quietly, sometimes adding in spoken words as well. I had to try really hard and lean down slightly to hear him, and soon realized he spoke only in song and confusing metaphors, lol. There was a group of 3 girls behind us, and one of them started repeating everything he sang. I was like "dude this girl is copying you" and he was like "yeah I think she heard that". Then the girls left.

      At some point he asked "so was this what you expected?" I was like "well you look quite a bit more like my old math teacher than I expected..." xD

      - I was with my cousin, I was laying on the top bunk of a bunk bed and he was laying on the floor, and we were both drawing. He had this book for figure drawing he was using. He asked if he could look at my sketchbook. I looked through it a bit to see if I wanted anyone to see. The last few pages had some nice colourful people and stuff, so I gave it to him and said he could start at the back and flip through a couple pages. Instead of a back cover, the book had a couple layers of a colourful neon plastic mini bead curtain.

      He ended up looking at it with his parents there, and the drawings in it were completely different from what I'd just seen. Some were just these crazy psychedelic patterns, but most were variations of this one disco kinda scene, with a bright tiled floor, black background, a disco ball and some lights, but made with different mediums (coloured pencil and watercolour) and with different figures in the middle. He was looking through a lot more pages than I thought he would, and I didn't remember drawing any of them, and I was afraid something bad would come up.

      They ended up being mostly okay, I only remember one that was like a weird naked dog person (nothing was showing), and one that was just a giant weird flabby bald head sitting on the floor. Everyone thought both were really funny.

      Note: Right before bed I ate a large apple and took 200mg of B6. I'd only ever taken 100mg at one time before because I read 200mg was the absolute maximum you should have, but several people here seem to take that much for dreaming, and it seems as long as you don't do it regularly it's okay. I think it did make a difference though, so I'll try it again sometime. I had more vivid dreams than this, but I didn't write them down every time I woke up (which was often) so I forgot a lot. Could be placebo, but it seemed like every time I closed my eyes I seeeee your face thereee for more than a couple minutes, I'd go right into another vivid dream, which isn't normal for me, especially lately.

      Updated 10-30-2011 at 06:14 PM by 13525

    7. Gross

      by , 08-16-2011 at 06:54 PM
      - I was going to meet up with N because he came to visit. I was wearing a big fluffy black jsk wth shorts underneath. I had to stop at some store on my way there to use the bathroom. But they didn't have any toilets, just these weird public seats with a tiny hole in them you were supposed to try to use. There was a blonde girl with her dad at one, but then I realized the holes were taped over anyway, so I just left.

      Then I met up with "N", but it somehow turned out to be E instead. He hugged me and then kissed my shoulder. He was wearing this purple lightning shirt. We went and did some sort of school thing even though it was still summer. I think it was an adventure but I can't remember it. At the end we were outside my grandmother's house, he had to go and I said "okay, wanna hang out tomorrow?" He was like "er okay" sounding like he didn't really want to. I started talking about what we could do and he was backing away slowly, then finally said "okay I wanna get to my home now..." so I let him leave.

      - My mom was going to make me drive somewhere even though I didn't know how. I sat in the passenger seat and the car had some kind of semi automatic turning and driving thing, so I just had to steer once in a while. I soon realized I couldn't do it, so I turned around to drive back home, making several cars have to swerve out of the way, and drove on this really wide bike path. Somehow I made it home and was like, "I can't do this".

      - There was this HORRIBLE bathroom I was supposed to try and use. It was so dirty, the water went right up on the seats when you flushed and more stuff would appear in it sometimes, all the toilet paper was soaked, and there were slices of roast beef in a bucket you were supposed to use as toilet paper. :| I somehow managed to use it, then came out and it was full of people. I started talking to someone and we both said at the same time, "that was the worst bathroom experience of my life!".

      Then I saw a door at the end that said "ANYTHING-KEI" (I understood it was supposed to be like fairy kei) and went in. It turned out to be this nice, empty, clean bathroom that was covered in rainbows and furry things and everything was animal themed. I was annoyed I hadn't discovered it before.
    8. Challenges & dreams within dreams

      by , 08-05-2011 at 11:11 PM
      Okay so I had a lot of dreams and they were crazy.

      - It was N's birthday so I drew him a picture and printed it on a bright blue t-shirt. The picture was weird and had like a hamburger and a dress on it and a bunch of other stuff. I took a picture of the shirt and sent it to him, then I realized I hadn't shown him the picture that was on the shirt yet, so I was like "oh I'll upload that now". He was collecting pictures of people's b-day presents for him and posting them on some forum, there were a lot. Later I was at the mall and thinking I should get a better shirt for the picture, and there was someone else there telling me I should.

      - I was talking to N on facebook and he had posted a slightly annoyed status, and I posted a comment and added '<33' at the end even though it didn't fit at all. I was hoping it wouldn't annoy him but I was the 4th comment and all the others had hearts at the end too. When it posted though, facebook changed the <33 to a symbol of a heart with another half-heart attached lol, like this:

      - Some evil guy had kidnapped N and me and a bunch of people and was trying to kill us. We were in this huge dark room and there was this big screen at the end that was like a portal we had to get to in order to escape. There were lots of obstacles and dangerous/painful things on the way to the portal.

      At one point we were crawling on our hands and knees across chunks of metal on a slight hill, and a girl who was also there said a word I didn't understand. I asked her what it meant and she told me it meant crawling, and was like "it hurts if you do it too long". There were other words like that too, like the other people we were with were using a bunch of slang terms I'd never heard and they'd have to explain.

      Then I was able to pause the whole scenario and draw new outfits for N and myself and then we would get them when we went back in. So I drew us these weird kinda futuristic outfits, and then decided we needed flying bikes, so I gave myself a lime green one and him a hot pink one.

      Then it went back and we were in the room again with our new outfits and bikes. N was flying way up at the very top of the room which was really tall. I was really close to the portal, so I leapt for it, and right as I was about to touch it, it suddenly went all white, then had white bars across it, then shut off, and a booming voice declared, "PORTAL DISABLED".

      The screen was on the side of a rocky cliff, and everyone looked up to the top of the cliff to see this horrible blueish sea creature/demon thing with a human face and head. The evil guy, who we couldn't see, was telling us that this monster was going to send us all through 8 challenges to be able to escape. I looked right into its eyes, and its eyes bulged way out and it shrieked loudly, and I saw this vision of how we all might die. I snapped back and realized it hadn't been real, then told N, who was beside me again, that I'd just had a dream about what was going to happen to us.

      I don't know if we did the challenges or not, because the next thing I knew, it was all over and I was talking with N [again?] in a very peaceful nice field next to a pond. It was like watching a movie at this point; I saw both of us from a third person POV, though not very clearly, and I knew everything had finished somewhat happily and it was like a nice ending scene. My hair was in a bun with a weird round clip/tie and he had some sort of nickname for me.

      Also sometime after it was over, I told him I had added the bikes at the last minute, and he said something along the lines of "hmm yeah I could tell, you should really stick to a theme" lol.

      - Then I had a false awakening and "woke up" on the couch in my cousins' house, where I was actually sleeping. I thought 'wow that dream was really intense, I should ask if he had the same one'. [I did ask later, he didn't remember his dreams.] But then there was this thing where I thought maybe he was actually one of my cousins and that freaked me out lol.

      Then my aunt was talking about how she could lucid dream, and I was like "me too!" I started trying to WILD, still in the dream, and managed to get partly into another dream a couple times, but kept getting 'woken up' by my cousins (not sure if I was actually waking up irl but I don't think I was). Finally I made it into a dream within the dream and was lucid in the new one.

      I was at a shopping centre in my city near a movie theatre, and my aunt was there as well in her pyjamas, and it was just sort of accepted that we could and were sharing dreams. She ran off, and I walked around the corner, touching walls and stuff and inspecting them and doing RCs.

      Then I thought of what I read in the School of Out of Body Travel book, about how it was guaranteed that whenever you stared at something very closely for a long time in a dream, it would start to warp and change. I stared at my finger closely for a while but nothing happened, so I started to wonder if I was really dreaming for a moment, but another nose RC confirmed that I was. Then I saw N was there [again :| get out of my head dude lol] so I gave him a hug.

      - I then "woke up" back into the FA at my cousins' house, and they asked about the dream I'd just had, so I told them what happened. My mom then said she was making pancakes [she actually kinda woke me up irl to say we were having waffles lol so it got incorporated] and asked if I wanted strawberry, blueberry or both. There was a plastic cup on the table with a few halved strawberries and three fresh blueberries. I ate a large blueberry and it was really good.

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 04:58 AM by 13525

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    9. Fragments

      by , 08-01-2011 at 11:05 PM
      - Took a bunch of e with L

      - The moon was huge

      - Cousin brings me my yellow pendant which I'd left in the trailer
    10. Shrooms

      by , 07-27-2011 at 03:08 PM
      I was with L in my kitchen next to the back door and we had eaten shrooms. They were starting to kick in and we were laughing a lot, and I looked in a small mirror I had (ipod?) and I had huge pupils. It felt really weird. I looked at the clock on the stove and it clearly said 9:42 (pm). I then realized my dad was in the living room, so I half-whispered that we should go outside. We stumbled out the back door and I headed straight for the hammock to lie down, but woke up just before I reached it.

      Updated 08-27-2011 at 02:29 AM by 13525

      Tags: drugs, family, friends
    11. Oops

      by , 07-25-2011 at 03:50 AM
      Okay, I should have written this down right when I woke up, since I can't remember much now, but it kind of disturbed me in my half-asleep state, even though it doesn't make any sense, so I didn't, lol.

      I was on some kind of mission with E and K and possibly some others in this field area with paths through long grass. Something happened to K, she got hurt or something, and so I had to...put her inside these small pastry type things? They were spherical and about 3 inches in diameter, they reminded me a lot of risotto balls, the appearance and taste. When I looked at them I could sort of taste them, or knew exactly what they would taste like.

      Anyway, I'm not sure how exactly I, er, divided her up amongst them, but somehow I had to put her in them in order to take her home and help her. :| It switched then to being in my kitchen with E and maybe someone else, and I was just taking the tray of risotto ball things out of the oven. I placed it on the counter and started breaking them open, and all of them had these weird black smudges in the middle. Then people started wondering where K was, and it slowly dawned on me that I was supposed to put her in them after I cooked them. Yeahhh.

      Now at this point the scenario was sort of switching back and forth between it being K in the balls (lol) and it being my cat that I had put in there. My mom called from the living room, "I haven't seen Peaches today." D: I was getting really scared, though everyone else was still really confused about what happened, and I was desperately trying to think of an excuse or someone else to blame the incident on lol, but I soon realized there was no way I could.

      I guess I had a false awakening sort of at this point, because suddenly I was in my room with E and L, telling them about the dream.

      I woke up craving risotto balls and went and got some, even though the image in my head of them full of guts isn't exactly appetizing. :|

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 04:59 AM by 13525

      memorable , non-lucid
    12. Working

      by , 07-23-2011 at 06:35 PM
      I was talking to my friend S at what I'm pretty sure was a large fancy movie theatre. It had several floors and was really bright and colourful and modern looking inside, and had several floors. (It reminds me now of a dream I think I had quite a while ago about a rollercoaster that I'm not sure if I ever recorded..? Maybe it didn't even happen..) She was telling me that she'd gotten a job there as a janitor as she was sweeping the floor.

      They also had a bunch of benches in and around the building, and I was talking with her or someone who was saying they should let people sleep on them if they ask.

      I'm not sure if this one was related, but I met a girl with blonde hair who had a bottle of Winnie the Pooh honey scented body spray which smelled really good.

      More fragments...I haven't had very good recall lately. I should probably go to sleep earlier.
      Tags: friends, movie
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Parkade

      by , 07-18-2011 at 03:48 PM
      I was smoking from a pipe with my friend H while sitting outside in public. I stated getting paranoid because cars kept driving past really close (as in, they were maybe 2 feet away from where I was sitting), but then realized we were right next to the entrance of a parkade (that's a Canadian word, isn't it..), and we decided to go in.

      It was very dark inside and I could hardly see anything. We were startled by a person who had decided to exit the place through a window that was there for some reason, and H said something like "Why can't people just use doors?!"

      We got to a brightly lit area that was white and a bit 'cleaner' looking with tile and stuff, though it was still dirty and lit up with gross fluorescent lights, that had a bunch of flights of stairs. I realized then that I was being followed by someone with a weapon. I don't know how I knew what it was, as I never turned to look at him (I think it was a man), but it was a very heavy, hollow metal rod, about 2-3 feet long and square, that looked really dangerous.

      We were walking up the seemingly neverending flights of stairs and I knew he was right behind me the whole time, though he never spoke or made a move to attack me. I called out to H, who was above me somewhere but I couldn't see, to watch me. Now the guy knew I knew he was there, but for some reason I thought he wouldn't do anything if she was watching.

      We finally got to a slightly bigger landing and I met up with H. The man then rested the side of the metal thing against the back of my head, and I thought I was actually about to die. Somehow, though, I don't know what happened next, but I ended up being fine, and H was killed. I woke up right after.

      Updated 08-27-2011 at 02:32 AM by 13525

    14. Useless Origami & Documentary

      by , 07-16-2011 at 05:54 PM
      - I was in my grandmother's house with some guy (forget who) and he was cooking something and talking about how someone he was with (my aunt..?) bought all this origami stuff. As he was talking I was playing with an intricate paper doll she had made that was sitting on the table. He was saying something like, "She was on a ______ of buying useless things..." but he couldn't remember the word, and I said "Phase? or binge, rather..." and he was like "Yeah, phase".

      - I was in a documentary about the rave scene. It sort of switched between me being in it and me watching myself in it from a third person POV. Everyone was waiting in line and a man's voice was narrating everything that was happening. The narrator said, "As you can see, it is acceptable to dress ironically here", and it focused on a guy in a dress. The dress looked a bit like this shirt:
      with that logo about that colour, but the dress was bright purple, sleeveless, and just barely long enough to be considered a dress. I was in line with a friend and two couples who were clinging to each other, so I hugged him lol. I knew we were all rolling as well, but I was sort of just watching the scene at that point, so I didn't feel what it felt like.

      - Also just a small fragment in which I owned blue tea party shoes.

      Updated 09-06-2011 at 10:46 PM by 13525

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Caught

      by , 07-15-2011 at 06:47 PM
      I was with my friend, N, and we had to break into a building in order to get information to solve some sort of crime. The owner of the building was a middle-aged businessman who was definitely a 'bad guy'. We were in a dark room, lit up only by the moon, that looked like an unused office in an office building, with a light tile floor, white walls, and a couple windows on one wall. It had a few odd metal structures in it and a stepladder that reached about 2-3 feet from the ceiling.

      We were trying to be quiet and get around everything without knocking it over, as it would make a lot of noise and the owner was right down the hall. We also had cool skateboards. Something happened and we realized we would have to do something loud, but for some reason we figured that if we both climbed to the very top of the stepladder and hid there, when the owner came running in and turned on the lights, the ladder would disappear and he wouldn't be able to see us.

      But then one of the metal things fell over and made a loud clanging sound, and we both started freaking out a bit and couldn't get up on the ladder in time. The owner then came in and caught us. I was a bit annoyed at N because it had been his idea, but I told him we had to stay calm, and he agreed.

      This was one of those dreams where I just know I had a long awesome adventure but can't remember the details. ><

      Updated 08-27-2011 at 02:34 AM by 13525

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