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    Fernanvicīs dream journal

    Non dreams in black
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    1. First dream recall

      by , 12-28-2010 at 01:35 PM (Fernanvicīs dream journal)
      First dream recall. (Non-lucid)

      I am waiting in some kind of bench (thinking about it they kind of looked like the benches at a train station). Iīm with J, a friend of mine and we want to buy a package of magic the gathering cards (my subconscious is too cool to use symbols or be bothered by copyrights) I remember there being an unknown girl who had beaten us at magic even though she only had [blank]. I also remember seeing two land cards, an island and a forest in foil in very high detail. Which probably should have alerted me that it was a dream since i hadnt bought the package. I remember it being priced like 32 euros or something, expensive.
      We finaly tried to exit the place through a very labytinthic route that sort of resembled an airport. The impression of an airport is enhanced by the fact that i suddenly see Nīs class behind us (he is a friend a year younger than me, the only time iīve been with his class has been during trips abroad with my highschool, in university now, hence the airport). After that iīve got to help a girl across a railing but iīve sort of got to help her swim, not very clear on that. The dream ends there.

      Notes: First dream ever recorded on a dream journal. Good level of recolection. Iīm actually spanish (sorry for any gramatical errors) but the dream was in english so it seemed fitting to write it this way. Havenīt played magic in years, but thinking about it the last time i looked at them was during a trip abroad this summer with some friends where i saw i package i was tempted to buy but didnīt in a game shop so it kind of makes sense.
      0 level of lucidity but iīm just beggining so itīs to be expected.

      Dreamsigns:(new at this) Well it wasnt a very unrealistic dream. I guess the strangest things were seeing those two cards without buying the package and the bit at the end where for some reason i had to help the girl swim)

      ps:Iīd appreciate if someone could tell me if iīm doing this dream recording thing right.

      Updated 01-01-2011 at 10:16 PM by 40435

      non-lucid , memorable