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    1. Ghost Boy/Dr.Quantum

      by , 06-26-2011 at 08:54 PM
      Dream #1 of the Night:
      I am up in bed reading at around 1:00AM. Suddenly I hear the front door in my house open and slam shut. I am terrified and begin to scan my room for a weapon but I can't find one and settle on using a sharp pencil on my bedside table. I open my bedroom door and see a young boy sitting Indian style in the hallway. I am taken aback and attempt to stab the palm of his hand. This doesn't hurt him. I notice he is fiddling with a pencil himself. I realize that he is glowing slightly blue and I now understand that he is a ghost and become frightened again. I quickly start asking hi)m questions without giving him time to answer until I come to my last question, "are you a good guy or a bad guy?" He looks at me, reluctant to answer. I am uneasy knowing that he looks so reluctant, so I shout to my parents to help me yell and him to get out of the house and never return. I look back and he is gone.
      (I woke up after this, I consider this dream a nightmare as I am frightened of ghosts, especially ghosts of children.)

      Dream #2 of the Night:
      I go to my ex's house, "N," to collect some of my things. I have so many things there that it is taking me a long time to get them all together. Without notice, people start to show up and Nate whispers to me to hurry up before I embarrass him. People keep showing up and we start to have a party with a lot of smoking. I try to play a game of cards with N and a few others but the game never starts. Later, I go outside and see little boys all around my car. The were out to get me and had placed a bunch of empty juice containers on my car to somehow "get to me." I shoo them away. Even later, the party is over and I am still at N's, kneeling over a dying man. He doesn't want my help so I do the best I can to help anyway and call "Dr. Quantum" to come to the house and tend to the man. When the Dr. shows up and the dying man realizes it is Dr. Quantum, he is suddenly better and stands up. He proceeds to rant to Dr. Quantum about how the doctor owes him money.
    2. Car Robbery!

      by , 06-22-2011 at 05:26 AM
      I am at a high school dance (although I am 20 and in college now). I go out to my car for something and I see a black man come up to me and start to get into my car to steal my things. I am horrified and try to tell the people in the car next to me but they think I'm kidding and that the robber is a friend because of how calm we both appear. I am trying to dial "911" on my cell phone but the calls won't go through and I notice I have been dialing "991" over and over instead.

      Later, a girl who I sense is evil has a crush on me (I myself am a heterosexual girl). The girl bites my lip and makes it bleed. She starts to shake as if she is possessed and says that blood makes her crazy. I make out with her with intent to have sex with her but I never do.

      -At this point I "woke up" and wrote the above in my journal but when I woke later, nothing was there. I believe this was an out of body experience as I have been practicing this a lot lately.-

      Later, I am at the water park and a little black boy sprays me and my mom with a spray gun full of orange liquid. I assume it is orange soda (delicious). People around me are shouting and happy. As the boy sprays me I lift a blanket I am wrapped in to shield the spray and laugh.

      Later, I am in my recent ex's room wearing a blanket again. He is sweating and asks, "aren't you hot?" I take the blanket off, say, "no," and put the blanket back on.