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    1. My Chemical Car Crash?

      by , 06-15-2011 at 05:58 PM
      Yeah I know odd title. But it was an odd dream. So I knew there was more to the dream but only bits of scenes that wouldnt really be worth posting. But the part i remember most was the ending, so here it goes...

      It was set at my grandmas house..well more in here driveway but anyway. There's this big black SUV parked? in the driveway so i open the door and there sits Gerard Way and his brother from my chemical romance. Gerard in the drivers seat. They were all knocked out kind of with cuts and what not all over like they've been in a car crash. So there little ol' me is, trying to get up to the passanger seat so i can try to wake them up or keep them alive or something. Im sort of hunched up by the passanger seat tapping on the face and hitting their chests kinda freaking out because....they were kindaa dying there? haha Anyways, im slapping him a little while he's slowly waking up, I kept telling them to hang in there and wake up while an ambulance get there (though i didnt think one was coming) Then my auntie and my mom show up in a truck ready to take them to the hospital. Again, theres 5'0 ft me trying to carry this grown man out of his SUV and over to the truck. Ehhhh not so successful, but I did manage to sort of drag him over...so i guess they were safe.

      Then I pretty much woke up. I know there was a lot more to this dream before they showed up but nothing good enough to put down here, but i know there was some crazy teenage boys trying to steal something...and pretty much getting there ass's kicked heheh And thats about it.