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    1. through the caves

      by , 06-02-2012 at 02:14 AM
      i was being led by a person through underground tunnels and caves, my leader in the dark caverns was a very neanderthal looking person that seemed to speak no language. in most parts of the journey i could barley see because of the darkness. however, when we did exit into daylight through a cavern entrance i was surrounded by vibrant green Meadows and Grassland. at this time i can see my leaders features, brown hair, pale skin, large teeth. despite my beautiful surroundings i am for some reason they are unpleasing. (at this point my dream fades into my memory.)
    2. Silverfish rock samples

      by , 05-26-2012 at 04:03 PM
      I was in a dark humid cave like area when my friend Dillan, walks up to me and says something about silverfish and needing a pickexe, I walk over to the wall of the (cave) and see a few of my science supplies sitting there. I pull my rock sample pick out of its sleeve and say "picks look cool with his texture pack" (I then have a black spot in my memorie) after the empty spot I remember holding a tool that looked something like a fuzion of a hammer and saw with one side a flat mallet and the other a jagged saw
      Tags: cave, pickexe, rock