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    Morbid's Abode

    1. Dream # 002

      by , 09-15-2010 at 08:18 PM (Morbid's Abode)
      High School Memoirs (DILD)


      - Saint Louis School of Mandaue

      Time Occured:
      - Around 3:00 - 3: 45pm

      Dream Characters:
      - Davi
      - Jacob
      - 3 Unknown Individuals
      - Teachers
      - My mother

      As usual, I was preparing for a nap during the afternoon. I went to bed, and listened to a relaxing beat before dozing off.

      Bam! I already knew I was dreaming based on what I was wearing, a white maritime uniform from head to foot (In fact, I'm taking up an engineering course). As I was about to buy something in a store, somebody tapped on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Jacob, Davi and somebody else I couldn't recognize the face, wearing the same as I. Instead of greeting them, I became furious since they were laughing at me. I pushed Jacob and told him to back off. A security officer of some sort came rushing and stopped us. Without getting what I bought, I left the scene. I arrived at a place which I haven't seen before. I sat down at the side, and saw my mom beside me. Behind me was a big wall, and on the other side of it is a school (I just felt it was a school). Few minutes later, somebody passed by me, and he was familiar. He was wearing a uniform which resembled what I used to wear during high school. Instantly, I knew what school behind the wall was, my Alma Mater.

      Later, another student approached, this time he stopped by the gate. He pushed something like a doorbell. The gate opened and he went inside. I was curious and followed him. Indeed, it was my school. There lots of students flocking, seems like there's an event.

      After a blink of an eye, I was with some people which resembled my friends, but their faces were blurred. I asked them what's going on and they said, "Diva's coming here!" (Diva is yet another female celebrity here in our country.)

      Soon, people rushed and crowded in different directions, including my friends. I was left alone and was thinking of what should I do. After a while, someone was walking behind me, and it was Diva! She was wearing an elegant red gown, and pair of glass slippers. She also had a small crown (I find it weird why she had a crown when in fact, she's an actress, not a beauty queen). I was astonished and like what a fan would do, I followed her. I was the only one closest enough to get her picture. Damn, she's a beauty.

      Later, the crowd had dispersed and I was left alone again. I realized that I left my mother alone outside of school. I rushed outside and found noone. While I was running, there was a shift of time, from night to day in an instant, and it was noon.

      I reached a small alley, and continued to run. I saw lots of people, and they were my teachers having their lunch in a cafeteria. I searched for my mom, and finally saw her. As I was about to sit beside her, I woke up.

    2. A Mysterious Beach

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:49 PM (Morbid's Abode)
      A Mysterious Beach (DILD)


      - Beach

      Time Occured:
      - Around 3:00 - 3: 45pm

      Dream Characters:
      - My family (mainly my mother, sister, niece, aunt and her daughter)
      - KC (initials)
      - TG (initials)
      - GV (initials)

      After 6 months of having a dry spell due to my lack of sleep and hectic schedule, I had a lucid dream again!

      It was a dark, rainy afternoon, and I was relaxing at our hammock while smoking. I realized I haven't have much time relaxing recently, so I decided to listen to one of my favorite binaural beats. A few minutes after, I felt sleepy so I decided to take a nap at my bedroom.

      I fell asleep, and soon I realized I was dreaming.

      With my family, I was in a beautiful beach. The sun, the birds flying around and the sound of the waves, indeed, a relaxing dream it is, I said to my self.

      As I was preparing myself to take a plunge, my mom called me and said that she's still preparing our lunch. I took the opportunity, and dived.

      What happened after I dived was like in a fast-forward, and when i rose up to gasp for air, in front of me were to lovely Filipina celebrities, and we're in the middle of the sea!

      As we all know, lucid dreams are far beyond what we imagine and anything can happen, I wasn't surprised seeing those two in front of me and they're having a live broadcast of a musical show. As I looked at them, KC (I prefer to not mention her name) started to sing holding a microphone that came from nowhere. Minutes after, she started to scream and claimed that her legs were bitten by snakes. I dived below to check if her wounds were deep and as I rose again, it's like I was carried by the waves, and brought me a few meters away from them.

      Magically, there was a dike that seemed like it rose from below the sea. As I swam to it, to have a better view of the two, another celebrity appeared (this time a famous male singer) behind me. He insisted that he'll help me and tossed me into the air, falling at a perfect spot to view KC and the other one. But to my dismay, my mom was calling me again and telling me that we're going home (we didn't have luch at all!)

      As I came near them, I was shocked that my whole body was covered in sand, and looks like mud because I was wet. I decided to take another plunge to cleanse my body. Everything went slow motion from here on, and everything was shifting to greyscale.

      I woke up, and grabbed my mobile phone (since it's the nearest thing beside me) to recall my dream, and jot it down. As I opened the text messaging menu, I noticed something weird. It turned into a black screen, and a "Exit" button below. Without thinking, I clicked on it and bam! I woke up!

      It was a false awakening after all.