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    1. Beach at twilight

      by , 12-23-2013 at 07:53 PM
      Was on a beach at early morning / late evening, with a very atmospheric setting in twilight (the actual word, not the franchise) looking like the picture below but with a bit darker horizon.

      Two guys were fooling around next to me, acting like they could push each other by an invisible power, like the force in Star Wars. One of them turned to me and acted like he pushed me with air, and I played along, acting like I was getting shot backward. For fun, I let myself fall on my back into a pool of water formed in the sand. I felt my clothes get soaked and thought what a horrible idea that was. The guys told me in a serious tone to get out of the water, there might be dangerous creeps or animals in it.

      The rest of the dream is hard to remember, with only flash memories of me swimming along the shore at an incredible speed, feeling very light and comfortable, and something about a ship and some people on the shore.
    2. Epilepsy theater

      by , 11-16-2013 at 01:38 AM
      In this dream there was a huge white square, much like a billboard, or a huge theater screen but outside in the middle of a valley. I sat in the grass with two other unknown people, and when I looked at this screen, it would start "overloading my senses", sending me into something similar to a seizure. To explain in other words, when I looked at the screen, it started rapidly flashing black and white square patterns, sent a weird bass pressure pattern to my ears as if it was a mix of airplane-ear-popping and having a subwoofer on each side of my head. Looking at it gave me tunnel vision and the more I looked at it, the further away it seemed and the more my vision blackened out, sending me on the verge to faint. My eyes hurt and I felt nauseous. I looked away and avoided looking at the screen for the rest of the dream, in which I didn't do much of significance.

      I have a feeling this dream was inspired by an occurrence while I attempted to fall asleep; I sat up in my bed and looked at the digital clock on my TV receiver when I felt dizzy, and it started seeming like the lights from the clock were way further away.
    3. Cloudy grounds

      by , 08-26-2013 at 10:26 PM
      I was walking in the fields opposite to the road by the Jernhatten hill, with my sister, brother and father. The ground is covered in snow and the air is foggy as if it were clouds, or white barely-moving smoke. I scoured off to find a place to get a bit higher up, and found a little hill which let me see above the fog. It looked like the top of an overcast when you're looking out the window of an airplane, but with trees sticking up and swirls of fog soaring upwards and dissolving. Looked very heavenly. I went back down from the hill and as the swirls of fog engulfed me, it looked like a thousand faces screaming in agony. I didn't take much notice of that, and walked onwards with my little sister. We found a tree with two chinchillas in it. I reached my hand up, and one of them jumped onto my glove. I took it down and stroked it across the back. I could feel the rough fur as my gloved hand slid across it.
    4. Hot air balloon

      by , 06-23-2013 at 09:23 PM
      Dreamed that I found a white plastic bag, which was shaped like it had some papers in it.
      From that plastic bag, I pulled out a backpack.
      From that backpack, I pulled out a hot air balloon.
      Everyone on the beach was mirin' my hot air balloon.
      A cute brunette came up and talked to me. Took that bitch for a ride.

      Very lovely dream
    5. Field of view glitch

      by , 06-17-2013 at 11:07 PM
      I walk into the bus by the side of the road at the McDonald's cross in Grenå, say good day to the bus driver and the bus drives off. Weird thing is, it's like my dream "camera" is stuck on the pavement. Since my body has driven off with the bus, I am unable to move and can only look around. I find that kind of weird, think it might be a dream, so I look around. Could it be a dream? Nah, everything looks too normal, especially the traffic-ridden roads and those moody-looking twins walking along the other side of the road like a mirrored version of each other. No way that's a dream.