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    1. A lucid dream in a not-lucid dream?

      by , 06-09-2010 at 10:16 PM (NinjaWookiee's DreamJournal - My tales of bullshit)
      A lucid dream in a not-lucid dream? (DILD)


      Okay, also die Erinnerung ist nicht so gut und ich bin mir nicht so sicher, ob das wirklich alles stimmt, was ich gleich schreiben werde.
      ACHTUNG: Rote Schrift heißt hier nicht unbedingt vollständige Luzidität. Ich glaube nur Luzid gewesen zu sein, jedenfalls träumte ich davon.

      Okay, the recall isn't the best.
      ATTENTION: Red color doesn't absolutley mean lucidity. I just think, being lucid, at least I dreamed of it.

      I have no idea what happened at first. I know, that I stood on the street in front of my house and I knew, it was a dream. But I don't know, if I really was lucid, or just dreamed I would be lucid.
      Anyways, I tried 3 times to fly, to get to another place. I made some run-up with the decision to fly now, but only floated slowly to the ground.
      Then there was a scenetransition, without recognizing it. I only can remember rectangular, 6 to 7 feet tall bushes.
      My dream-Me still was lucid and wished a velociraptor. From here on the dream was kinda like a 'Turok'-game.
      As velociraptor there was this creature:

      I don't know, what exactly happened, but I know, that I wanted to fight the raptor and failed. That was down to it, that I couldn't spin fast enough in the ego-perspective to see behind me. (Typical console-ego-shooter problem of mine) And I can't remember having a weapon. At one point I wished for a machinegun, but didn't got one. I didn't use one of these technics to summon something. (For example looking away, prevent that there is a machinegun now and then look there again) That's one point, why I think I wasn't really lucid, I just dreamed to be.
      Later after 2 or 3 deaths I decided to just run away from the raptor and came to a big door. I opened it and saw a T-Rex on the other side. A guy was shooting at it and bloodmarks started to appear on the T-Rex, even at places, where it doesn't got hit. (Just like in the 'Turok'-game on PC.) After the T-Rex died, I walked through the door. The guy who shooted the T-Rex was a teammate
      and the last thing I can remember is a conversation with some teammembers about a next mission or something.

      Well, just like I said:
      Either I only was a little bit lucid or I just dreamed, I were lucid.
      I didn't do anything, that I had done usually in a lucid dream. (I maybe had summon a raptor, but I would get a weapon at first.)

      I also hadn't tried to fly away, as I stand on the street in front of my house. I would had make some RC's and then tried to get into the house and see myself sleeping.

      That was a weird...

      Greetings from Germany,
      lucid , memorable