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    1. 27-07-2010 First Recalled Dream in years!!

      by , 07-28-2010 at 08:50 AM
      So after stumbling upon this site I am really ecstatic that i found it. I cant even remember when last i remembered my dreams. After following the recall tutorial for the first time this is what happened.


      I was in my old home town (which i have not visited in 9 years) for a funeral.. I was very upset because my best friends dad had passed away. I remember standing in line for the viewing before the funeral comforting my friends.. When i got to the coffin to say my farewells my gf's dad was inside the coffin...

      After that i walked down to my mom's old work place which was at the post office. I helped her clean the place we didnt say mutch. While we where cleaning people started moving into it, like it was their house.. After that i walked away to a restaurant to have dinner with my friends. Funny enough the restaurant was outside. We chatted alot, athough i cant recall the train of the conversation.. I lost my temper because the food was taking too long...

      After that the waiter brought out oysters.. I remember in detail eating them... and talking to my friends..

      After the dream i woke up and imediatly started writing it down. It was 3 a.m so far so good
      Tags: dreamrecall