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    1. 03-08-2010 First Semi Lucid

      by , 08-03-2010 at 12:13 PM
      So last night i tried having a DILD again. With some positive phrases of me remembering my dreams etc etc.. And it worked Although my dream recall sucked a bit because i didnt write it down imideatily.

      What i can recall though is walking through a marsh. On my way somewhere important. I recall looking down and seeing the water/mud soaked grass and ground... Then all of the sudden i was like... wait a minute im dreaming.. I dont know what triggerd the dream though.. In the end i kept walking on my merry way. I came to a lake and said a phrase that i dont recall and a platform rose out of the like with a sword. I remember thinking again. I must be dreaming and i felt all exited.. I took the sword from the platform and for some reason it fell apart... I started putting it back together and then woke up..