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    1. Spider Apocalypse

      by , 08-29-2011 at 04:55 AM
      Had this one last night, really weird. Includes Britt, Laura, Dani, Niki, and myself.

      So I'm at my old house on that dead end street again, and I'm in the living room with my dog (he's a wiener dog). I'm petting him while he's knawing on his basketball toy, when I hear this sound coming from outside, under the window facing the driveway. The best I can describe it is someone sucking jello through a straw, mixed with a dying animal and chewing. It was really gross. I stood up and tried to look out the window to see what it was, but that didn't work. Suddenly my stepmom came stampeding into the living room shouting about something or other, looking really freaked out. She scooped up my dog and said we had to leave town, and went out the back door. I followed her asking why as we walked down the driveway, heading to the street where my car was parked. When we got to where the noise came from my stepmom stopped walking and looked down at the ground. There was a look of pure horror on her face, and she started to cry. I took this chance to snatch my dog from her. She plopped down on the ground and started poking whatever was there, muttering something about "the spiders". Somehow I knew what she meant by that, and started to get really scared. I didn't want to look at what was on the ground, but I felt I had to. I took a quick glimpse, and saw the body of a small dog, or what used to be one. (Don't know where this dog came from; I only had one.) It looked like it used to be a pit bull, but was shrunken down to the size of a chihuahua. All of it's flesh, blood, and organs had been "sucked" out of it, leaving only a pile of bones vacuum-wrapped in it's skin. Also, what used to be the head was nearly separated from the rest of the body. I knew this had been the work of a spider, and started hustling to my car.

      (Random 'facts' I knew about the situation that I was thinking about as I was going to my car: 1) In this world, there are grey/black spiders the size of your hand. They are growing in numbers and slowly taking over the Earth. 2) The spiders are really hard to kill, but can easily kill you. 3)The spiders attack you by jumping on your neck, biting you, and sucking everything up, like a vampire dust buster thingy. Then they crawl inside the wound and eat everything else. 4) In some rare cases the spiders don't eat the flesh of humans; instead they kill them, enter their brain, and control them like zombies. 5) In order to escape the spiders, I needed to leave where I was and head south, FAST.)

      Once I got to my car, I put my dog in the back, along with a big duffel bag of stuff I suddenly had with me. There was already a bunch of stuff in my car. It like we had already planned an evacuation, but didn't want to leave until we were sure the spiders were going to invade. I got in the driver's seat. My stepmom, who had managed to snap out of it, went in the passenger seat. I really hated her (I do in real life, too), but I wasn't mean enough to abandon her in the spider apocalypse. (At this point my thoughts turned to the "past": my dad had died from fighting the spiders; somehow my stepmom and I decided to ignore the fact that we hated each other, and just stick together to better survive the spider-thing. You know, like how when people are stranded on a desert island, they're sort of forced to work together or die.) I started driving off. While I was driving I noticed the whole town looked really spooky. All the trees were dead and black, and the grass was yellow and patchy, mixed with dry dirt. There was nobody outside at all, except some dead bodies. There were no lights on, anywhere. Everything looked really run-down and crappy. All the cars were rusty and junky (broken windows, doors left open, flat tires, turned over, crashed, etc.) and were just lying around wherever, while the houses were abandoned and destroyed (broken windows, doors open, nasty shingles, empty, etc.). The sky was sepia tone (which is cool because the sky really was like this one day), but I couldn't see the sun or any clouds. I drove for a while before my stepmom started telling me some directions to a "safe house". We stopped at a building that was once white, but now almost grey. It looked like a trailer home without the wheels, or windows. We went up to the door, and my stepmom knocked. A lady answered the door; she was tall and skinny, with greasy black hair pulled back into a pony tail. She wore way too much makeup, but her eyes still looked sunken in and tired. Oh, and she wore orange shorts and a white shirt. "Hiii, welcome to Hooters!" she said. I gave my stepmom a "WTF" look as we went inside. The Hooters lady closed the door. Not only did the building look like a trailer home on the outside, but it did on the inside too. It was really long to my left and right, but so narrow that I could barely turn around. There was nasty, thin carpeting on the floors, and nothing on the walls. Besides some other random people lying in the hall, the only thing there was a round wooden table with a pile of wadded blankets on it. The Hooters lady went to the table and grabbed a ragged, thin blue blanket. "Will you be sleeping here tonight?" I wondered why she was still acting like this place was a restaurant; it didn't look like one, and I doubted she had any food to serve us. My stepmom said yes, and so the lady led us down the hall to the left until she got to a door. She opened it up and threw the blanket inside, let us go in, and then closed the door. There wasn't any light, so it was hard to see, but I knew there was a bunch of people in this room too. I 'went to sleep', and woke up the next day. I went out of the room to try and find the Hooters lady to pay her, but she was nowhere to be found. I went back to ask my stepmom what to do about this, but I couldn't find her either. I decided I would just leave, since my stepmom was probably dead, and I didn't want to hang back and get killed myself.

      I got in my car and drove until the sky was blue again, and there was plant life/people around me. I got off the road, stopped at a motel (it was white on the outside, but I didn't see the name of it), and got a room. The guy led me to my room, explaining I'd have to buddy up with someone because they didn't have any open rooms, with everybody trying to escape the spiders. He opened the door for me, gave me my key, and left. There were two twin beds in the room, with a window in the middle and white walls (like my dorm room, except plainer looking and sorta junky). To my surprise, the other person in the room was my friend Brittany. We were both surprised to see each other, and happy we had both survived the spiders. I asked her where the rest of her family was; she was quiet for a few seconds, and instead of answering, she showed me around the room. She had some clothes in the sliding door closet next to the door, and some bags/clothes around her bed. It was sort of cluttered, but that's to be expected. (It's hard to be organized when you're on the run from spiders, and have to live with everything you own in a motel room.) She told me she'd been living here for a while, and that it was really safe, and the people running the hotel didn't even charge anyone because it was a safe house now. I set down my one bag next to my bed (which only had one old sheet on it), and went back to my car to get the rest of my stuff. Once I had everything inside the room, it was even more cluttered, but we could still walk around easily enough. My dog suddenly appeared in the room, which is weird because I lost track of him for a while there. I was about to close the door, when suddenly a gray spider ran through. Britt and I screamed. I just so happened to have a crowbar in my hand, so when it jumped at me, I whacked it really hard. It made a 'crack' sound, and blood spattered everywhere. The spider flew over to the window, but disappeared when if fell in our junk.

      I shut the door all the way and locked it. We knew the spider was only stunned because I had hit it with a blunt object, so we had to find it and kill it before it woke up. I started searching for the spider while Britt looked for a sharp object. While we searched we were freaking out. I said, "Where did that come from?! I thought this was a spider free area! Are they migrating that fast?!" Britt said, "Dude I don't know! Just find it! Maybe it hitched a ride on somebody's stuff when they came here? Like somebody didn't look over their shit properly or something?" Britt pulled out an old rusty handsaw from somewhere. It had a red handle, and all the teeth were worn off, but it was still sharp. She demonstrated how we would properly kill the spider when we found it. "I think it might have fallen below the window," she said. I moved some of my stuff from below the window, and found the grey spider. It was just lying there, still stunned. Britt rushed over with the handsaw, put it on the spider, and pushed down. I helped push too. We managed to cut the spider in half (the outside of it was steel hard, but the inside was soft and fleshy, so once we pushed hard enough to cut through the skin the rest took no effort). Blood spattered from the spider again. Once we knew we had killed it, we did a high five. Britt went to get somebody to dispose of the body. When she opened the door, Laura was on the other side.

      Britt and I were surprised/happy to see Laura. She came inside holding a cleaver. We asked her how she found us, and she told us she was staying in the motel with Niki, and had seen me bring my stuff inside. She showed us her cleaver like it was her prized possession, and told us how it was really good at killing spiders. I talked to her while Britt went to get someone to take care of the spider. After a while I looked outside the window. The view was really pretty. It was an ocean bank, surrounded by long grass with two trees on each side. One was a palm tree (right) and one was a willow (left). The sky was blue with a few white clouds. In the middle was some random guy fishing. He was all decked out in fishing gear and stuff. After catching a small silver fish he left, so I could see the water better. It was clear blue and sparkly. It dropped off from the bank immediately. While I was looking at the pretty view an orca swam up and purposely beached itself on the bank. I wasn't sure whether to be worried or not. At first I freaked out, thinking it was a sign of the spiders coming, but when I looked at it, it was smiling and rolling around happily, so I knew it was okay. After it went back in the water I looked back to Laura, who was still talking about all the spiders she had killed with her cleaver.

      Britt came back in the room, and with her was Dani. She said she had found her while looking for someone to clean up the spider. We were all happy to see each other, but after a while I asked Britt if she had actually found anyone to take care of the spider. Dani answered by saying her dad was coming with a wood chipper. We all looked at her, surprised. "Your dad is here?" I said, since everyone else seemed to be parentless. "Yeahhh...?" said Dani. "He has a woodchipper? Cool!" said Laura. Dani's dad entered the room carrying his "handheld woodchipper" (he had to duck to get through the door). We all said hi. Dani's dad grabbed the two pieces of the spider and threw it in the wood chipper. He left to go outside so he could finish the job without getting spider-puree in out room. We all started talking about what we were planning to do. Dani apparently had just gotten here, so she had no idea. Britt said she had been here for a while, and was planning to move further south soon. I agreed that that was a good idea (since I wasn't sure about where that spider came from). Laura agreed too, and we decided to head out tonight together. Laura went back to her room to pack up, while Britt and I packed up too. Dani stood there until her dad came back to show us his spider killing tool, which was like a shiny dagger. Dani and her dad left the room, leaving Britt and I packing. This is where I woke up.

    2. Party/Weird Board Game

      by , 08-29-2011 at 03:11 AM
      Had this one a while ago but didn't bother to record it.

      So my friends (Britt and Laura) and I were at Laura's house in her basement. Actually it wasn't her basement, because it looked completely different and had windows, but for whatever reason I felt like that's where we were. Anyways, we were partying it up and dancing around. There was music and a bunch of balloons and some food. After a while we all got bored. I suggested we go to my house so I could pick up this board game. My friends hate board games, but I convinced them this one was super fun, so we hopped in Laura's Tahoe and drove to my house. Instead of going where I actually lived at the time of the dream, we headed towards my old house on a dead end street. Laura was driving and Britt and I were in the back; she was on the right and I was on the left. A couple of times Laura teleported to the middle back, and the car drove itself. When we got near the intersection of 76th and Morgan, I pointed out to Laura there was construction ahead. She climbed back to the front of the car and slowed down, because the construction zone hadn't been taped off or anything, it was just a bunch of potholes and equipment and stuff lying around the road. There was one guy standing there directing traffic (we were the only ones though), and he had us drive on the other side until we got to the lights. (Side note: in my dream it's evening now, so it's sort of dark but the street lights aren't on yet.) When we got to the traffic lights (still on the wrong side of the road) Laura stopped and said she'd just drop me off here. I didn't understand why because I still had to go like 14 blocks West and a few more blocks North, but I didn't complain since it wasn't a big deal. I said I'd be right back with the game, got out of the car, and crossed the street. I saw Laura drive into the used car lot on the corner and park before I started running to my house. I ran a few blocks up Morgan when I looked down at my feet and noticed I suddenly had some funky chicken-looking boots on. They were neon-pink and went up to my knees, and the ends looked like chicken feet (which means in order for anyone to really fit in these, half of their feet would be chopped off). I wondered why I was wearing them, but then realized I was running faster than I normally would be able to without them, so I just kept them on. After a while longer I heard footsteps behind me. I looked back (still running) and saw a girl jogging behind me. She was blonde with a pony tail, and had a sports bra and shorts on. She was also wearing tennis shoes that were the same color as my chicken boot things. And she had a creepy ass smile on her face. I wasn't sure whether I should be scared or not, but it didn't seem like she was following me at all. Still, I decided to pick up the pace. When I got to 84th and Morgan I turned right, and when I looked back the jogging girl was gone. I continued on into the little suburb area where my old house was, and I started to get really nervous. For whatever reason I felt like I shouldn't be going back to my house, because my parents might still be there and I'd wake them up (but in real life they've been out of that house for like a year). (Another side note: it felt like I was 'hiding' from them or something.) When I got to my house it was night time. The whole thing was dark and empty looking (as it should be). I opened the door without any keys and went into my old bedroom in a hurry. Oddly enough, my bedroom was untouched. Everything was as it was before I moved out. On my bed was the board game I was supposed to get. I sat down on my bed and opened up the lid of the game, and got sucked into it.

      When I 'woke up' in the board game, I was in this really big castle-ish room. (I say castle-ish because it had stone walls and floors, churchy windows, and candle lamps.) It was dark except for the light coming from the candles. Around me were ceiling high mounds of crap, like a hoarder lived in the room. I wandered around through the maze of junk until I ran into an old man. He was holding something, but I don't remember what. Also he said something to me that I don't remember. I followed the old man until we came to a clearing in the junk. There were like five random kids my age gathered around a campfire. They looked like they were from an 80's tv show. When we got there, the kids started gathering around us. The old guy pulled out some weird bracelet thingy and put it on me. He told me something was going to happen, and if I lived I would get my board game. (At this point I started to wonder why I would go through all this effort to get the game... and why I was getting the game from IN the game... but I didn't feel panicky or anything because I knew I had done this before.) This really loud windy-noise came from somewhere, and things around me started to get blue and blurry as the noise got louder. All the people around me sort of fell down; I think they died. I looked down at the bracelet on my arm, and saw that it was now IN my arm, under my skin. As the noise continued to get louder, and the background turned completely blue/purpley and whooshy, the bracelet started to grow. It really hurt, but the old man's voice came from somewhere and told me if I made it through without my arm exploding I would get the board game. Unfortunately I woke up before I found out if I made it.

      Updated 08-29-2011 at 04:56 AM by 34686

    3. School and Indian Kids, & Fighting That Guy Who Wants to Kill Me

      by , 06-15-2011 at 06:21 AM
      Soo I don't really remember this one all that much, but I wrote it down when I first had it a couple of days ago. Here goes:

      I was walking down the hallway in my high school (just graduated btw), going between second hour and first hour. For some reason I couldn't remember if it was an A or B day, what class I just had, or where I was going. I got to my locker and remembered that I was going to ApCalc next. I tried to open my locker using 6-12-24, but it didn't work. Then I tried 30-18-40, then 6-37-24, but nothing was working. The bell rang and I managed to sprint to class without being late, but I didn't have any of my stuff. Also, the class was in the front hallway where the library should be instead of where it really is. The teacher told me to sit down so I did, in a desk in the far back middle to the right of a white brick column. The classroom was really weird, the walls were all white and everyone was wearing white, but the desks were tan and so was the tile floor. The whole front wall was a whiteboard and the whole back wall was made of windows, it was like some sort of vista resort or something. Oh, and the desks were really far apart. I guess we started presenting our 'projects', but I don't even know what they were supposed to be or how they had anything to do with calculus. Each student would come up and show a little model they made. They were white and looked like the kids had slapped together random items around their house then covered them with paper mache and plaster. Each one looked different, some were towers, others human figures or geometric shapes, and some were just piles of crap. My turn came to present and I told the teacher I couldn't go because my project was in my locker, which wouldn't open. He got angry for some reason and told me I should have said something when I got into the classroom.

      The middle bell rang and people passed through the halls going to split lunch like usual. A chubby female teacher came out of a sliding closet to my right. With her was a little Indian kid (like actually from India, not Native American), about 8 years old and wearing a white collared shirt with a red boy scout scarf and blue shorts. It was like some weird school uniform. My math teacher said, "Mrs. ___ (don't remember her name) is going to escort this kid through the halls, so if anyone needs to go to their lockers go now." I guess I wasn't the only one who was having locker problems, since a lot of kids came and gathered around the teacher. Also I don't know why we needed to be escorted, since normally the teacher just would have let us go without passes or anything. Before our group left the classroom, the teacher said, "For all you guys who complain about getting here too early, this kid gets here before the hamburgers," and pointed at the little kid. I don't know what he meant but I guess that's really early, and a lot of us gasped. We started walking down the front hallway towards the lunchroom and I broke off to go down the side hallway where my locker was. I did my combination, which was 32-18-24, and it worked. (I don't remember what my real combo is(was) anymore.) I got my materials and went back to class but the door was locked, and inside I could hear they were watching a movie. A group of us gathered outside the door and waited for it to be unlocked but it never was. A bell rang, which meant we could go home (completely scratching lunch and fourth hour out of my day I guess).

      I walked outside the main doors without going back to my locker for my stuff, and went towards the student lot. On the side of the driveway leading to the student lot there was a short white bus, like one of those transit handicapped buses, except it didn't have any logos on it or anything, and there weren't any panes in the windows. I now was the little Indian kid, and I went on the bus, except there were a ton of other kids on the bus who were exact copies of me. (I was watching myself get on btw, from outside the bus, like a third person view.) There were so many kids on the bus that we filled it up to the roof, so there wasn't any space in it at all. The bus driver told them all (I say them because at this point I'm not one of the kids anymore) to duck down so they wouldn't be seen, and they managed to squish themselves so only their eyes and the tops of their heads popped up from below the windows. I think the bus driver didn't want to be seen having too many kids on a bus. By this time the bus was driving down an empty freeway through a pine forest. I became me again, driving a blue subaru. I passed the bus and looked at all the kids in the windows, and though, 'well, that's weird.'

      I got to my apartment building and went inside. (My apartment building has three sets of doors: a locked outside one, an unlocked middle one between the outside and the entrance where the mailboxes are, and the locked door to my apartment.) Everything was normal, but when I opened the door to my actual apartment room, everything was empty. I was on the second floor now too. The whole back wall to every room was made of windows (like the school), and the livingroom had a sliding glass door where you could go out onto a balcony. There was a guy standing in the livingroom, and apparently he was my friend. I was now a guy too, and we were both wearing futuristic silverish armor. There was another guy in my bedroom wearing the same armor, except it was black, and he wanted to kill us. The scene turned into an 8-bit 'side scroller' video game type of thing. My friend and I had short purple health bars in the top left corner and the 'boss' had a big red one along the bottom. We used old style Mortal Kombat attacks to hurt him, but then our health got too low so I had to go into the menu. It was back to normal 2011 type graphics, and had a pink background with items you could select from a list. I highlighted 'max heath', which I had 77 of. The item that gave you 'max health' was a pack of two hot dogs. No buns or anything, just the dogs. I clicked two of the items so I had four hot dogs total, two for each of us, and heard a noise that meant we were all better.

      The menu scene went away, and so did the side scroller view. I was now myself and watching things in a first person point of view. Everyone was taking a break or something, my friend was standing in the living room. We started talking, and he said, "I hope he doesn't do an orange lazer I can never avoid those." I said, "Yeah, same here, except I can't avoid the blue cannons." Suddenly I heard the evil guy giggling from my bedroom, which was his base of operations. I walked over to see what he was doing, which was typing furiously on a computer. He said to me, "You just told me your weaknesses! I'm aiming all lazers at him and all cannons at you!" I said, "Oh, shit," and ran into the living room to tell my friend to hide. The cannon/lazer beams popped out of the walls and starting hissing and steaming while glowing their respective colors as they charged up. I tried to hide by ducking down in my kitchen but the things in the walls were like locked on, and they followed me around everywhere, and I knew they could cut through walls. I ran outside (through all three doors) and just as I closed the last door the cannons fired. Luckily at the right moment I did a handstand on the doorknob and avoided it. (**I remember going lucid for a second here, thinking, "this is bullshit, this guy's cheating, screw this," etc, so I slowed down the 'blue cannon' which was like a really big blue lazer and made myself flip up and do the doorknob handstand. But then I lost it and went right back to dreaming normally.) I went back to standing and looked at the door wondering A) why the cannon didn't leave a hole and B) how the hell was I going to get inside without my keys? But I guess the cannon had 'weakened' the door, so I kicked it in, ran through the unlocked second door, and through my door which I had bolted out of without locking (cause really, who has time to lock their door when they're gonna be blasted with a giant blue lazer?) My friend was lying on my livingroom floor, dead. I could see part of the evil guy's body on my bedroom floor from where I was standing, he was dead too. As I ran over to check out my friend my phone rang and I woke up. (thanks, Laura! XP)

      Updated 06-17-2011 at 08:36 AM by 34686

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Second Lucid.

      by , 12-25-2010 at 04:33 AM
      Despite the weird theme going on here, and the fact that I couldn't control what I was doing very well, I thought this was a pretty cool dream.

      At first in my dream i was driving a car around some strange southern type town. It looked like something out of The Dukes of Hazzard (the old show, not the movie). I passed by like three cop cars that were parked on the side of the road. I thought this was weird because the cars were exactly the same, old looking and completely white. Then I noticed they were parked all over the place (the sidewalk, the middle of the street, etc.) and all the cops leaning against their cars looked exactly like Sheriff Roscoe. That was when i realized i was dreaming, and decided to see what would happen if i pissed the Roscoes off. I turned my car sharply to the left through traffic, ran over a couple of people, drove on the sidewalk, smashed into a couple of cars parked next to parking meters, and rolled my car over (I hadn't meant to do all that damage, but I couldn't control my driving too well so I just went with it).

      I got out of my car and saw twenty Roscoes running at me from all sides, with police sirens sounding. I told myself I'd make all the Roscoes disappear when I snapped my fingers. I tried snapping them but I couldn't, and I realized it was because I don't know how to in real life (cuz I'm super cool like that). The Roscoes were almost on me, so I did like a weird rewind thing and made them go back to where they were when I first noticed them coming at me, then told myself to make them run in slow motion. (It's strange how I could do this, but I couldn't do what I really wanted to. I also don't understand why I didn't just try to make them disappear with something i CAN do in real life, like a clap, but whatever.) I stood there trying to snap my fingers while they slowly ran towards me. I never could snap my fingers and totally make them disappear, but I noticed with each sad attempt they faded away a little. I decided instead of trying to make them go away all at once I'd just keep half-snapping really fast so that they'd eventually fade away. This actually worked, and soon they were all gone. I stood there for a while trying to think of something fun I could do while I was lucid, until I thought to myself, 'Wait, what time is it, shouldn't my alarm be going off?" I woke up and found that my alarm had been going off for ten minutes, but I must have bumped the volume while setting it because it was all the way down.

      Updated 06-17-2011 at 08:42 AM by 34686

    5. High Carbon Cheesesticks

      by , 08-06-2010 at 08:03 AM
      So I was on a school bus going on a field trip to somewhere. One of the teachers passed out cheesesticks for a snack because it was a long trip. We all ate our cheesesticks happily. We got to our destination which was like this forest, and we all started taking pictures with our cameras. All of the sudden I fell to the ground. I tried to get up, and once or twice I managed to get to my feet, but I just fell right back down. Soon I couldn't even get up anymore. The teacher who passed out the cheesesticks ran up to me screaming "OH MY GOD!" An ambulance came and shipped me off to a hospital.

      I was in the hospital bed getting checked out. A male doctor said, "Oh no, it seems you are paralyzed from the waste down. Now we have to do reconstructive surgery and physical therapy to get you walking again." The teacher was in the corner crying. The doctor asked her why she was crying. She pulled out a cheesestick from her purse and pointed at the label. "It's all my fault! These cheesesticks are high in carbon!" Then she went back to crying. Apparantly carbon causes paralysis.

      The next thing I remember I am walking around in my school. For some reason I go to the guidance office. Walking for me is very hard, it seems like I'm stumbling and about to fall any minute. A kid in the guidance office is sitting in a chair crying. Somehow he got paralyzed too. The guidance people question me and ask me if I could have accidentally given the kid my paralysis germs. Then I wake up.

      Updated 06-17-2011 at 08:48 AM by 34686

      non-lucid , dream fragment