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    The Midnight Train

    1. 11/6/2010 Vegan dream

      by , 12-26-2010 at 04:29 AM (The Midnight Train)
      I am at a mall with Pascal and we've just done something on the top floor of a big mall which looks like this from the inside (illustration 1) but now we have class so we speed out but Pascal's Hello Kitty bag is with me and also his cellphone, but he has gone in the other direction. So, whatever, I am thinking about whether if I could find him in his class and give it back. As I walk along I find Irene. She is wearing her Chinese costume. The shop that she's at seems really bright, like a light shop. When I reach the other side of the mall, I see my friends probably from NZ. and one of them is possibly Edeline-1. They ask me if I want to join them. So I go to the fast food hall and look around. I stop at this udon stall where I can pick the ingredients. One guy had already ordered before me. I looked at the ingredients, the noodles are yellow therefore must not be vegan. So I don't order anything. None of the stalls are vegan. I wish that it's Jay Festival right now.

      Updated 01-01-2011 at 02:18 AM by 35484

    2. Strange girl

      by , 09-26-2010 at 10:29 AM (The Midnight Train)
      This girl allows me to use her car instead of bike home. She is short and wears a blue jacket, a blouse and a blue skirt. I lost a bike part. Her car is parked in a weird location. She drives a BMW which is parked in a Thai mall car park. This scene is repeated.
      I hug the girl inside the mall. I then go on to eat some sushi with my dad. This guy sitting beside me has eaten all the black ground pepper.
      I take the elevator but it is a roller coaster ride and I feel the G-force. It takes me from one part of the mall to another.

      Updated 01-01-2011 at 04:52 AM by 35484

    3. Competition and black girl

      by , 09-24-2010 at 09:42 PM (The Midnight Train)
      I am in some sort of competition with a man who has brown skin.
      I had more but I woke up and stayed for too long in bed trying to recall the dream and went back to sleep again.
      I go out with a black girl. But my parents don't approve. I think she wore a light blue top. And I see her in a mall. I saw nothing else.
      Again I'm sure the dream was longer but the same thing as yesterday happened.
      I will put my dream journal nearer to myself that way it will be easier for me to take down the dreams.
    4. English class

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:48 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Sunday, May 16, 2010 8:43:24 AM PDT
      Important: No

      English class
      I am sitting on a bench in a mall. There is a donkey in front of me. Paul-1 wants me to play a game with it while Anna-4 is waiting to talk to me. I see broken lines point horizontally to different parts of it's body with words written along it in orange fire like colour and texture. One word I remember is 'de-vination'.
      Me and my brother are in a classroom. There is a professor who looks a bit like Hilary Clinton. We are having an assessment to get into good English classes. I see a list of people on the whiteboard. One being Hilary Clinton. The professeur picks one for each of us to imitate. My brother and another dude got picked first but they wouldn't start because of shyness. Another student has to imitate a black woman.
    5. Sexual harrassment

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:36 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Sunday, April 18, 2010 5:16:46 AM PDT
      I am charged with sexual harassment. March-2 was the victim. First I accept the charges. Then the victim has to point me out so i go to a mall where march and my other friends are sitting. She points me out. Some of my friends don't believe that it is really me.
      When I sexually harass her, I am in her room and sitting on her bed while she is having a shower. The tv is on and I think I see something orange that looks like underwear. That's it though.
      In court, the police is the judge. The courtroom is a classroom. The policeman reads out what happened and a slideshow accompanies his talk. He says that I told him the order of how things happened wrong.
      A man plays guitar. Rock artist.
      At one point he plays for guitar hunters.
      The order of things were something like 90% percent accurate. And they found that out with msn chat.
      this is one of those dreams where I wake up relieved that it was a dream. I was in doubt though.
      the percentage for march's accuracy in telling what happened is 100%.