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    1. 1-UP and Dr.Octopus Lucid and Non-Lucid Fragment

      by , 12-06-2013 at 07:04 AM
      I am also adding in my second dream because I only remember a little of the dream.

      The Lucid
      I was running inside this hotel area for awhile before I heard my mom's voice, confused I looked around only to find nothing, but after awhile I realized that she was trying to wake my brother up for school so I became lucid from that fact alone. So after becoming lucid I ran around for a bit to be stopped in my tracks
      because the dream was fading and then I said out loud "No you don't!" and the dream went back to normal and it happened a few times but I stopped the dream from ending. Before long I was lying in a big pile of trash, I'm pretty sure I fell out of a window to get there, I also felt like I was dying so I thought to myself
      "I need a 1-UP." And what do you know a 1-UP falls from the sky and lands in my hand so I quickly ate it,
      It tasted like a dense marshmallow and looked like a fat cookie. After eating the 1-UP I promptly got up from the trash and saw Dr.Octopus staring me down like I was his arch-nemeses so we charge to each other and we both fired barrages of attacks, he use his metal arms and I used my tails which I don't know how I got but I was rolling with it, we then traded blows with each other and then he abruptly left and the dream ended.

      I guess my lucid was basically an EILD which I didn't plan

      The Non-Lucid Fragment
      This dream was set in the attack on titan universe and the soldiers were setting up a program which had civilians sub for injured soldiers so I was subbing for this girl named Pampus and it was about time that she should have been all healed up and me and some of the other soldiers were looking for her then all of a my view shifted to where Pampus was and she was eating ice cream with a friend the dream ended immediately after that.

      Oh and by the way I'm back to Dreamviews now http://www.dreamviews.com/images/smilies/smiley.gif
    2. First Lucid since Joining 2/15/13

      by , 02-15-2013 at 02:36 PM
      This story is about my first LD after joining DV.
      The night i had this LD I had two other dreams that i knew i had but i couldn't recall exactly what they where because of the exictement from the LD, Now then to the story.

      Red Text = Non-Lucid
      Blue Text = Lucid

      It all started in a arena, From the looks i would say it was similar to a roman arena.
      I was one of the spectators of the gladiotor fights and it was kind of blurry.
      The next thing i know is that i am falling down to the arena and having to fight for my life,
      So i picked up a sword and started fighting the gladiators and within a instant i had beat them all.
      After that i went outside of the arena and started walk down the streets of rome.
      And then i saw something very odd, It was a pastry.
      Something trigered when i saw that pastry that caused me to do a RC then a flash of light hit my eyes and then.

      I had become Lucid it was amazing but i restrained my self from getting to exicted because i was on a mission. To find the dream army base, It was weird because insted of being in first person i was viewing it like a sidescroller game. So in my mind i kept saying dip in the forest repeating and then after about a minute I reached a hole in the hole ground and dropped down hoping to find the dream army base.
      But when i saw the top of the building i knew it was not it. The structure was made of minecraft blocks,
      And the sign in the front had the word (Dragonsreach) Kind of like one of the keeps in skyrim.

      And thats all, Have a nice day
      lucid , non-lucid