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    1. Houses

      by , 03-01-2012 at 04:55 AM
      I was in Toronto with N, but it was like we were in a game. It didn't look like any part of Toronto I've been to, but I knew it was. We split up to go on different routes, and we had to break into people's houses to find certain things. Sometimes there would be someone home when I started opening the door, and I had to run away, weaving through backyards and side-streets. It was a lot of fun. It was also very pretty everywhere I went; it was in the afternoon which was warm and sunny with an orangey glow, and all the houses and yards were beautiful and huge. I wish I could remember more.
    2. Tiny man, Milkdrop & scary guy

      by , 02-03-2012 at 05:07 PM
      - There was a tiny man on the floor in my living room, about an inch tall. He carried a stick that was very thin but about his height. It was like one of those 'magic wands':
      except it was gold instead of black. The man was dressed in a long coat and a top hat, and was also entirely gold. I was sitting on the floor looking at him, and he ran and hid under something, but dropped his wand. I picked it up very carefully and tried to hand it to him, and he took it. There was someone else with me who was saying it might take a while to build up his trust.

      - I was very high and sitting by a big heavy curtain. On the side I was on, there were a couple people and I was just sitting on the floor, but once in a while I would pull up the curtain and put it over me so I was on the other side. On that side, it was like being in a giant music visualizer, and I compared it to Milkdrop, the one that comes with Winamp, which I love playing with. (I recommend it if you don't have it, and this if/once you do..!)

      It was changing constantly, as it does, but the one I remember most was a place made of these big waves of rainbow dots on a dark background that also passed across you, from right to left, in vertical sheets. The space it was in felt so enormous, it seemed infinite. The sensation was really cool and I was extremely happy. It's very hard to describe. After going in for a bit I would emerge from the curtain, laughing, and tell everyone else (sober) they really needed to try it.

      I need to do this again in a lucid.

      - This one was much less fun. I was in my room when suddenly a guy I know, NG, burst into the room and started trying to rape me. (This guy also talks to me and invites me places more than I'd like, but I find him kind of creepy to be honest, I just always feel uncomfortable around him.) I was scared but managed to fight him off, at which point he started trying to stab me. I got past him and ran into the bathroom. One of my friends was taking a bath in there, I dunno who it was, it kept sort of switching between being H and being N and being some other random person. So I burst in on them and shut the door, saying something along the lines of, "I'M NOT GONNA LOOK AT YOU I PROMISE BUT SOMEONE IS TRYING TO STAB ME OUT THERE".

      I found a phone in the bathroom and came out again for some reason. He had stopped trying to stab me, but I told him I was calling 911, and started dialing. He laughed and said, "Good luck with that. 911 can't help you now." I looked down at the screen and it said something like, "line disconnected" and none of the buttons would work. I understood the guy had cut the phone line.

      So I ran downstairs and tried to get out the front door. I was thinking I didn't want to go out in the clothes I was wearing, my shirt was really see-though, but I couldn't really help it. I struggled to unlock the door before he could get to me, and thankfully he didn't stop me from getting out, but he grabbed a very sharp umbrella from the porch and chased after me. I ran out onto the street yelling for help. I looked around but it was deserted. Desperate, I ran a bit further, and ran across a young woman I didn't know. I ran up to her and said, "please can you call someone for me, I need help, this guy is trying to kill me." She stared blankly and said nothing. Then he caught up with me, and I had to run again, fending off the umbrella.

      I ran to a very busy place with the guy close behind. I managed to grab onto his hand and hold onto only his ring finger, which stopped him from stabbing me for some reason. We were in a very large crowd, but everyone was just staring at me without saying or doing anything, and it was very frustrating. At the very end, for some reason the guy started turning into N, and I was thinking, "I can't believe he ended up being like this!" Then I woke up, very relieved, before realizing it never was N in the first place.
    3. Rainbow cat

      by , 01-27-2012 at 12:22 AM
      - I dreamt I was in a shared dream with N, and we both knew it, but I wasn't really lucid. We were 'practising' something, not sure what, for a rave we were going to go to. We did it a few times, and I think we were able to teleport back to the start to try it again. I think we were in Toronto, but the area reminds me slightly of the outside of a movie theatre in my city. I was in my pink HK pyjamas and I think he was in PJs as well, and we said we'd be wearing our pants and stuff when we did it IWL.

      After a few tries he said he wanted to do some dream stuff. We went over to a portal of sorts to the left of the building we were near. It was a glowing yellow rectangle on the ground that was maybe 2'x1'. He created or summoned some sort of creature from it, and so I decided to try that as well. I said, "rainbow cat!" and a brightly glowing yellow mass emerged from the portal. Within a few seconds it started forming into the shape of an animal, and the glow faded away to reveal a small, very fluffy cat with rainbow fur. It was like each clump of ~10 strands of fur or so was a different colour, and the effect was really pretty. I picked her up just before waking up.

      - A fragment in which I got in trouble with an older woman more than once for dragging my feet when I walked. I don't usually do that.

      - An even smaller fragment which involved me doing badly on an exam. This was the night before I had exams, but I wasn't too worried about them.
    4. Tree battle, cats & elevators

      by , 12-19-2011 at 04:59 AM
      - I was with a couple people in a big field surrounded by a fence, and we were battling a tree. It lashed out at us with its branches and had kind of a cartoony angry face. I remember thinking it was like the whomping willow from Harry Potter, but I haven't seen/read HP in a long time so I'm not sure how similar it really was, and I thought it was unfair that we weren't in a car. I was thinking it seemed impossible to defeat it and it seemed like I would get badly hurt if I got any closer, even though the two people I was with were close to it. I decided to leave anyway. I turned and went towards the corner of the fence, where there was an opening. As I was walking, the tree suddenly grew much bigger. I understood it was like a boss in a video game and this was the second stage of the battle. But I realized it could almost reach me with its branches then, and was trying to. I ran as fast as I could towards the exit, barely missing being hit, but managed to make it out of the fenced-in area.

      Outside, the field continued, and there was a small stream. Just across the stream was a small house, which I entered. There were some more people there, and soon after, the people who had been battling the tree came in as well. They said we would have to wait until the next morning to continue with the battle.

      Time seemed to skip forward at this point, and it was early in the morning. There was only one person in the house. I talked with them a bit and said I was going to go check out what it was like outside and what the tree was up to. I'm not sure where the rest of the people were, but I was talking to them on MSN on my phone, and I said I would be right back. I put on a pair of polkadotted rainboots I found in the porch and left.

      I went to the edge of the fence and peeked around it to look at the tree. It had just woken up and was in the middle of a big yawn. I quickly moved back so it wouldn't see me. Upon turning back around and starting to walk, I realized suddenly how amazing the landscape was. I think it was the most beautiful dreamscape I've ever seen. It's difficult to describe how nice it was. The sky was rainbowy from the sunrise, and there were hills of soft grass as far as I could see. There were patches of small bright pink and blue flowers. Everything looked crisp and slightly frosted over, and glowy, as if it were being lit from behind by a cool blue light. I realized later that it reminds me of this picture:
      which is just a picture from deviantart I favourited but haven't looked at for a while. Anyway, after admiring it for a minute, I decided I had to get back to the house and tell everyone what I'd seen, otherwise they would worry, but that I would come back outside after. I went back to the house, but accidentally walked into the stream. I was annoyed for a second, but then realized I was wearing rainboots so it was okay. I walked through the stream a bit, then up onto the other side and into the house. I told whoever was there that I was going to go back out, but unfortunately woke up before that happened. I'd like to revisit this place in a lucid sometime.

      - One of my cats was missing for a few days. I was scared, but eventually found her under my bed, sleeping curled up under a blanket. We thought it was really strange that she'd been there for so long and was still perfectly fine. She had this red and green headband with some feathers and ribbons that was significant and magical somehow and explained why she slept for so long. I think maybe it supposedly put you in some sort of trance or something? And I think someone said it was Indian. None of us knew much about it, but we knew my late grandfather did. We planned on asking him to tell us about it, and then he would write us a note and leave it somewhere, because this was apparently something you could do.

      - Also a small fragment where I was in an elevator and only went up one floor.

      Updated 12-19-2011 at 06:49 AM by 13525

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. Magical land

      by , 11-26-2011 at 12:59 AM
      - I was with four people in a little village and it was nighttime. It was sort of like a video game but wasn't. They were teaching me about it. They told me that if I closed my eyes I could get to a different version of the place. I closed my eyes and saw faint outlines of another little village, and when I opened my eyes the people were gone. I was confused, but closed my eyes and tried again. This time I focused on the image behind my eyes, and suddenly found myself inside it. When I closed my eyes there, I saw the original place faintly. In the new place it was daytime. I saw my four friends standing there and they congratulated me on figuring it out. They seemed to be glowing slightly.

      This new land was amazing. Everything was very bright, the sun was shining and everything seemed to have a golden glow to it. All the colours were really bright. It looked a bit like some sort of friendly town in a game or a cartoon. It had brightly coloured puffy houses, yellowy cobblestone roads and lots of trees and flowers. The general look of the buildings and colour scheme and stuff reminds me of a picture I drew the other day, to give you an idea. I walked over to my right onto some grass and saw a little black and white cat sitting on the step of a huge lilac mansion. I approached the cat and said "hi!" as I reached down to pet her. To my surprise, she responded, "hi". xD I understood that the animals there were capable of speaking English, but most of them didn't very often. I went back to my left a bit and saw what looked like a really big guinea pig with a pink heart on its chest sitting in the shade of a tree. I approached her too, but she ran away. I did coax her out eventually and pet her a bit too.

      All the trees were full of really delicious bright fruit. I walked through the town with my friends just looking at everything and knowing I could come back whenever I wanted. There was sort of a set path through the town and you would exit at the end. When I got to the end, there was a small waterfall in a really lush forest area with a cherry tree nearby. I ate a few cherries then went into the waterfall and went back into the normal world. My friends were waiting for me there. When I told them about the delicious cherries, they laughed and said everyone said that.

      I'm sure I was with N at some point as well, because I remember thinking it was odd but nice that we were only apart for 2 weeks. I knew it was a dream in the back of my mind and was a bit sad, but decided to just focus on enjoying it and keeping it stable. I seem to remember feeling a black and white couch but I don't know where. I felt like it was going to be a really long dream. I only thought about this for a little bit though, most of it wasn't lucid. At one point also I waited for something longer than necessary, and then got a bit annoyed because it was a waste of dream time.

      After I got out I remember hanging out with my friends (I don't actually know who they were) and there was this other guy talking to one of them. He was asking, "is there a train in the land? is there a choo-choo?" and my friend said there was. Then my friend asked if he had some kind of device, not sure what. The guy hesitated and then said, "my imagination...?" which was what I was just thinking, but then my friend was like "besides that."

      I really enjoyed the place in this dream and I hope to revisit it in a lucid dream someday.

      - I had another short dream where I was in my house and I saw a small creature dart across the living room floor. My cat went to investigate and so did I. Over by the vent under the window, there were 3 rats trying to hide; one was white and grey, one was light brown, and I think the third was white. They were really cute, and I moved my cat out of the way so she wouldn't hurt them. I was going to try to save them, and I was thinking about how would be best to do it.

      - Another tiny fragment where someone like cast a spell on me or something and then was like, "there! now you're a really good singer!" I sang a bit but couldn't hear much difference.

      - Also written in my DJ: "also possibly something about a hotel". I don't remember this though.