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    Pop's Dream Journal

    1. A restless sleep...

      by , 09-26-2011 at 12:41 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      I've been battling a cold for the past several days and my dream circuits seem to have gone haywire. Last night, I dreamed the same scene over and over again for what seemed like about 10 times:

      I'm with a group of scuba divers and we're aboout to get in the water and be photographed. As we do our dive, the pictures display like a slideshow, one right after another. Some are good, some are blurry. For some reason, I sense that some of the divers are frightened or uneasy. Then I see a picture of a shark, but it's dead. I find the body of the shark underwater and take about two or three shark's teeth before getting the uneasy feeling that other sharks may come and feed on the dead one, so I leave.