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    Tales from the sun chaser.

    1. oh my freaking knee

      by , 10-07-2012 at 01:06 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm looking at some girls legs because she was complaining about a rash, and it looks like the bulk of it is on her feet and lower calves. I asked the the usual questions like "any changes in soaps, foods, or clothing", and she said she bought the sandals she was wearing the other day. I tried telling her that it was probably from that, but she didn't want to listen to me, so eventually I just said "well I don't know what it could be from". I went off to wash my hands an when I was finished, I noticed my right knee was locked up. I couldn't bend it and it kinda hurt. I tried walking around a bit to see if it was just stiff or something, and it didn't get better at all.

      I rubbed the area to see if it would help and noticed it was swollen. "Crap there's probably fluid on it". I was thinking I was going to have to drain it, so I went to see Cpt P. and he was like "yup, you're right". I asked him what should I do about it could we take care of it here, or did I need to go to the ER...and he started giving me the old "well you know what to do....tell me, it's quiz time look". I told him we'd need a catheter, syringe, and basin, and he told me to get two 1k cc bags of saline. I thought the last part was weird, but started looking for everything.

      Once I had most of the items together, I noticed the pain was about gone, and I was walking normally...maybe draining it wasn't such a good idea.

      There's something else related to this dream...like I was done with school for the day and I wanted to shadow an RN at the emergency room.....oh there was some kind of swimming event in this super shallow water.