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    1. June 18, 2011

      by , 06-19-2011 at 12:43 PM
      Sleep. I am sitting with John, and my mother comes from a corridor with three plastic bowls: doritos, popcorn and chocolate chip muffins. John asks me if I seriously bought Magic cards.

      Then I am somewhere else, and I learn that Grandma has died. I feel guilty, wishing I had not judged her so harshly.

      I am at school, and the Breakfast Club is running. This surprises me, because I thought it was over for the year. Nevertheless, they are serving mini-bagels and garlic bread. I take some garlic bread and go sit at one of the benches to watch the movie, the launching of the first rocket into space (however, it is more of a racing car with rockets going along a racrtrack).

      Then, I am in a bookstore (which is actually the library, I think). I am another girl, who steals an orange shirt and ends up becoming a thief. I am being chased by the police in the Saab. At one intersection, I do a U-turn that makes my wheels skid. Then, I zoom through and go down a ton of side streets. I can only think of getting to the border. Wake.

      Then, I woke up at 3:15, stayed up for about 5 minutes, and tried to do a WILD. Obviously, I failed.

      Sleep. I am in a restaurant in the mall (located where the photography store should be). I see Mr. Dee (who is not even one of my teachers!), and he is telling me how I did on a presentation: poorly. He gives me a rubric, and I look at the mark: 6/26. (I do not remember what each individual section of the rubric said, however). I fall backwards and hit my head on the ground, but it does not hurt.

      Then, I get up and walk back to the restaurant and enter a room with a kitten. I wake it up, and then see that a computer is on. Someone is composing an email. At the other computer sits a man, who tells me that I am being quite rude and that someone is already using that computer. Oh, and that I shouldn't be reading someone else' email. I tell him that I recognized the email (even though I didn't), and then Sasha walks into the room. The kitten starts clawing me, and I run out of the room. It is still clawing me, and its scratch marks even wrote a word on the back of my right hand (which I don't remember. Pansy, maybe?).

      Sometime during the computer room scene, I browse Neopets and see that they have an "Academy Awards" for certain Neopets. Such as, the most "Classic" Neopet.

      At one point, I am back in the restaurant, at one of the tables. I am with Luc and Sasha, and we are going to eat dinner. The restaurant is serving hamburgers for the first time, but they are surprisingly small. I initially ask for one until I see their size.

      I am at Hopedale mall with a camera, and I need to take a picture of something beautiful. However, I forgot to take a picture of the rose flower box, and when I appear at home, I am frustrated. Wake.

    2. May 28, 2011

      by , 05-29-2011 at 03:00 PM
      I am in Metro, towards the flower section by one of the checkout counters. There is a rack of chocolate milk jugs that appear to be two-litre containers. Knowing that I have enough money in my wallet to pay for one of them, I take one and open it, drinking. One of the cashiers, who has long, dark hair curled into tiny ringlets, walks up to me and shows me a photo of me opening the jug. I look at her as though she's an idiot: "Of course I'm going to pay for that jug. Do I look like a thief?"

      My father and a couple other people come with some other groceries, and I think my dad offers to pay for it. He asks for the price, and we find it on a small white sticker on the jug. It says it's $1.85. My dad tells me that's an awful price for just 1L of milk. I'm confused, because there's no way that it is just 1L of milk.

      Then I am at a theme park with my father, Helena, Lindy and my brother. We are debating which rides to go on. We try to make it to the IMAX theatre, but fail. I say that I want to at least go on [name of ride], but it is too far away. We decide to try and go to the newly built Dolphin Water Park. However, the time jumps randomly, and by the time it is 7pm, we have only been on one ride. I have to take off my glasses and fuschia baseball cap for it, since I don't want them to fall off.

      Sometime after that, I am in a city, looking at a three-story parking garage that is the parking lot to that theme park. I have a brief memory of swinging - or perhaps I only thought of swinging - like Spiderman between the levels. Then, I am in a stone corridor. My former biology teacher, is being brought in with another woman. He looks weird, as though his features were distorted by a fun house miror, as his face seems longer.

      Anyway, we interrogate him, although for what, I cannot remember. I remember saying, "I'm not lying! I'm an honest person" and remembering the earlier milk jug incident and wondering if that counts as dishonesty. The woman refers to me as Carrie, and I imagine a curly, blonde woman with shoulder-length hair.

      Afterwards, I am on a gigantic, multi-tiered stage. I am part of the production, although I have no idea what is going on. The whole cast is in the middle of abstract dancing, so I try to follow along but eventually give up and do my own stuff, hopping down tiers and gracefully whirling my arms. At one point, near the end, I am with these girls dressed in white and with white face paint. They tell me that I mimed very well. I am confused, as I don't think that what I did counted as miming. I do tell my dad what they said, though, once I have climbed back up the giant staircase of a stage and enter a corridor.

      Then I am going through this building, perhaps in the same area (it's difficult to tell) and I am following someone who is with a group of people. I pretend to be with them, and we all put on cult robes. I have a recollection that I have traded places with someone, that another girl named Carrie is supposed to be in my place (either way, we are spies and not truly brainwashed cult-members).

      We all go into a special room, and everyone but the leaders line up against the wall. The leader has a small girl with him, and she is at most three years old. He gives me a rounded butter spreader knife and tells me I must use stab the girl in the heart with it. I put the knife to the girl's chest and hesitate. I know that he is expecting to call my bluff, that he can see through me. I also know that going through with it will have consequences. However, I grit my teeth, pull back the knife, and thrust it with as much force as I can into the child's body.

      Suddenly, the child turns transparent and then disappears. I see that it has stabbed the cult leader instead - the child was not real. I know that I have hit him in the heart. The leader laughs and says that he has been waiting a long time for this moment. As he dies, I see myself briefly through his eyes and realize that I am becoming a vampire. I tell myself that it is better than he remain a vampire.