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    1. Islands

      by , 01-17-2011 at 09:03 PM
      1: In my dream there were 3 islands, all of them were small with a large pole sticking up out of the middle. Me my brother and some random people are flying around in a 747 above the islands, I grab a parachute and we all jump out into the ocean. I swim to an island by myself. (some how my dream has the dilution that climbing poles is impossible). So when I it there, somehow my dream shifted gravity and I walked right up the pole. That's when I noticed we all looked like video game characters drawn in supermario. We all were pixelated. The other people came to my island and begged me to tell them how to climb the poles.

      2: I am then transitioned into another dream. All I recall is that my brother and some girl are sitting on te floor with me. There is a tv playing snow.