• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Way of the Lizard

    Here be dream thingies!
    Here dey is!
    Some is scary.
    Some is sexy.
    Some smell funny.

    Read 'em!

    1. Long, involved series of dreams, including one LD (25 July 2004)

      by , 06-05-2010 at 12:21 AM (Way of the Lizard)
      1. This one was long and detailed, covering several days of dream-time, with some on-the-ground action, some movie-screen views of other characters, and even some back-story. It all took place in the little town in PA where I grew up. It started with the story of Altrip Jones, a man from my town who went out and made a fortune in the city, then came back and built this weird monument of a public building, with huge, white marble gargoyles jutting from the corners. It was some kind of culture/community center. So I saw this as if in a documentary, then I was back in my hometown, but a weirdly prosperous version where this guy had infused all this money into it.

      2. I'm attending a funeral in my hometown, and it's a big family gathering, but it's a dream family, not my real family, and pretty much a dream-town, too. Mostly I'm interacting with two little brothers who have never met me before, because I've been away that long, and I"m working to protect my little uncle (real person) from professional assassins, including a 40-something Gene Hackman. These guys really like to rapel down buildings. I'm not resisting them violently, just tracking their movements and evading them.

      3. At some point, I'm taking a walk with some dude I don't know, and he lights up a j. We turn a corner and here we are at a big, sandy beach (nothing like this in my real town). We pass it around and a few people join us, then security comes sniffing around, so I have to evade them and end up alone way down the beach. I start running back toward the crowd (now leaving--it's night-time, and they're closing down the beach), then realize it would be much faster to glide over the sand, then think "Well, why don't I just fly?" So I'm flying down the beach, and I stop and think, "Wait a sec, am I dreaming?" The dunes and everything look pretty real, but I do an RC (my first ever deliberate RC--thanks DV), which for me is kind of a karma-probe to see if objects around me have history and depth--dream objects are more transparent, have less presence than waking objects, even if visually identical. So anyway, I'm lucid, but everything stays pretty solid. I walk around and come to a pliant barrier where the beach just stops, but recalling some stuff from the forums, I try to dissolve or push through, and manage to get my hands through, like pushing through saran wrap. I didn't get to do much else before I woke up. Still, that's two LDs in a 10 days, after many months without any. Whoop!