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    Tales from the sun chaser.

    1. memory is coming back

      by , 12-20-2012 at 05:00 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember playing this game that was like starfox at my house. Instead of a joystick and buttons, it operated with two joysticks. The one on the right controlled firing, and the one on the left controlled the plane. It was pretty awesome except that my nephews were over there and they had some really annoying kid with them.

      Eventually I stopped playing, and someone was asking a guy if he wanted to bring in a large cat.. Dude agreed, and he came back with something I've never seen. It was white and it came up to about my chest, but it didn't have any real length to it.. Apparently it was a female, because she stared rubbing against me. She even started doing some sort of sign language. I was trying so hard to understand what she meant, and then someone explained that she was asking if I knew anyone who would hire her as a model in New York. Obviously I didn't know...and slowly, she started becoming more human, until she was a girl and talking. I asked her if a dog ever tried humping her on the leg in her human form and she said no. Oh well, at least I got a laugh out of it.

      We were on some bus, and I remember some general was talking to us about all these various attacks, and they would flash in my head. This was going on in American soil though.
      While riding, I noticed a cement mixer type vehicle, but it was super small. It looked like a large RC car. I was just telling someone how weird it looked, and when I looked back it was full size and someone was in it. We got out and started walking.

      And there were all these injured soldiers getting treated by nurses in training. Everyone had on WWII type clothing, and I noticed all the nurses were females. I kept walking, and I was trying to see if there was anyone I knew. I made a mental note that there were so many redheads in the crowd, and most of them were cute. Wherever they were stationed at, I wouldn't mind taking a visit. Eventually we stopped at some tables, and I started talking to the cat lady again, but I don't know what it was about.