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    Tales from the sun chaser.

    1. friction

      by , 10-09-2012 at 02:09 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I don't know why, but I'm at Sh's house. Inside it, and she's telling me to leave. Before I do, I tell her "I need to know one thing". She tells me "okay". So I asked her if she still had any feelings for me what so ever...she says no.

      Her husband pops up and he's obviously enraged. He starts yelling at both of us, and before I could say anything, he heads to the back room...I don't know what this guy is going to get, and I don't want to see it, so I high tail it out of there.

      I'm running and he's chasing me with an electric pole saw. We ran for about two blocks and I was thinking "well I'm glad I parked desire so far away...maybe he'll tire himself out". Dang it...this clown isn't giving up.

      I see Desire in the distance, and make a split second decision to open the driver's side door (it was closer, but I was thinking about opening the far side one due to the added protection) Soon as I put my key in, it bends....that's when I start thinking "maybe it's a dream".....too much to risk trying to find out.

      I ran to the other side of the car and said "hold up hold up hold uop". He stopped, and asked me to give him a good reason to why he shouldn't mess me up, and I told him because I wasn't trying to go in there behind his back, and that I knew he was in there. "Not going to cut it!", he yelled. Then I told him that I just needed to know something, and that she still loves him. I only needed something from there. He started to calm down. I told him I had no other reason to ever come back.

      I straightened out my key, almost breaking it in half and headed off. Before I even have time to think about what I did, I'm in this area that seems to be cop city. I know my license aren't good so I try to take an alternate route. I end up ditching my car and going on foot. I explore a bit until I find the best route out of this area, and head back to her......but I can't find her.

      I end up walking through buildings and I saw my family in one of them. Some court related issue was going on. I met up with my sister in a room. Her daughters were there, and I was hungry....I kinda wanted something...she said she didn't have anything for me. I opened the fridge and there was a ton of free stuff she got. I told her that it was messed up to have all this stuff and not offer it to me. We were going at it for a while, and I said I might as well leave...but before I did I gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her I loved her.

      I want to say I had one other dream...but it's slipped my mind I guess.
      Tags: car, court, family, sister