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    1. Weird

      by , 09-03-2011 at 01:31 AM
      - I was with a bunch of people at my old elementary school, and we had gotten caught smoking, so we had to hide in these bushes. They were at the front of the school, and they were partly bushes and partly art/sculptures? of some kind. It was like the side facing the street was normal bushes, and the side facing the schoolyard had material draped over it and was supposed to be some kind of abstract art piece.

      Anyway, we were running away from these people who had caught us, who were the police or something, and the only place we could hide was behind the draped material. You could see us completely from the street, but I was concerned about anyone seeing us from the schoolyard for some reason. I hid, but then jumped out and ran a couple meters away to see if we were completely hidden from that side. You couldn't see anyone, except you could see this odd purplish soft-looking fire coming out. I went back and told whoever had the fire to put it out, then I hid again.

      A few moments later, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and saw a bald man, and realized they'd found us. He was handing out pieces of paper that said what we had done and our punishment. Mine said I had to give him $250 for him to not tell my parents, and I started crying to one of my friends because I didn't have that much.

      - I was at school in design class. The room looked sort of like the computer lab I had design in last year, and it was a bit dark. My mom suddenly showed up, she was wearing a light blue t-shirt and she was pregnant. She announced that she was going to the hospital and asked if I wanted to come. She was acting really weird and I was slightly embarrassed. I was trying to decide if I wanted to go right then or not, I kept changing my mind for a long time. Finally I said I would go, and she left.

      I left the classroom and started walking down the hall. It didn't look anything like my school or any building I've been in before, though it kind of reminds me now of a school or building I was in in a dream a long time ago. It was all white, very big and very complicated to get around. I kept taking wrong turns when trying to get out. I thought I'd found the exit, which was down a little side hallway and to the right at the very end, but when I turned, I saw there were just a couple steps leading down into an empty dark music/band room. It reminds me slightly of an entrance to the music room at my old elementary school (the one I was at in the last dream).

      I turned back, and realized the exit was actually near the beginning of the little side hallway I came from and to the right. The door was raised pretty far off the ground and there was a big light blue chunk underneath it, almost like a step but not quite. I vaguely remember a girl being there. I believe I went through the door but that's the last part I remember.

      - Weird fragment about some webcam show I was watching. At one point the guy on it had this little figurine that he was squeezing and fake shit was coming out of a hole in the bottom, and he was saying "shiiiiitttt" in a really weird voice.

      - Also had a LOT of weird half-asleep dreams about talking on MSN on my iPod. This happens fairly often, but there were a lot more than usual. The only one I remember is me saying something like "I have something I think you'll like" and I got the impression I was selling something, and I had a picture in my head of the eyes of a drawing I was working on a lot yesterday and just finished today.

      Note: 100mg of B6 and a bunch of cheese before bed. Felt similar to last night, but I forgot a lot more.

      Updated 09-06-2011 at 10:36 PM by 13525

      non-lucid , dream fragment