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    DC's Dream Journal

    DC's Dream Journal
    So this is the beginning of my online dream journal. Feel free to scan through my dreams, I can't guarantee they wont be odd or perverted...

    Be sure to check out my old DJ - http://www.dreamviews.com/f107/dcs-dream-journal-74738/

    I'll make normal dreams in sienna, and lucid dreams in maroon.

    Also, I'll be putting in dreams from my old DJs into here over time. let me know what you think about them

    Please feel free to browse, and comments are appreciated

    Personal REM times (research, conclusive evidence)
    REM I - 3:20-3:30
    Deep - 5:00
    REM II - 5:30-5:40
    REM III - 6:40-7:00

    Total 'Recorded' LD Count

    DILD - 15
    DEILD - 1
    MILD - 1?
    WILD - 1
    Basic | Advanced | My Tasks
    [✕] Breathe Underwater
    [✕] Fight a Sith
    [✕] Eat/drink the inebible
    [✕] Listen to music
    [✕] Summon My Persona (with an Evoker)
    [✕] Walk through a wall
    [✕] Walk on water
    [✕] Animate a Banana
    [✕] DILD from an RC
    [✕] WILD for longer than a minute
    [✕] Daydream in an LD
    [✕] Revisit the Yellow and Purple Room
    [✕] Utililise the "dreamscreen" again
    [✓] Eat Green eggs and ham (March 22, 2009)
    [✓] Walk Across A Rainbow (March 09, 2009)
    [✓] Hug Clairity (February 23, 2009)
    [✓] Ask a DC to tell you something you don't know about yourself (February 16, 2008)

    1. Blood and Rainbows

      by , 03-07-2009 at 02:00 AM (DC's Dream Journal)
      Blood and Rainbows (DILD)

      I am watching two people fight each other. The DC that is winning ties the other guy to a lightpost by his arm and walks away. all of a sudden the skin on his arm comes off and you can see all the fat and blood, flesh... very pretty... A van pulls up and he is thrown into the van. Continuing from before,i am now in the front of the van and we are speeding down the road. I look back and he is on the floor - he seems to be in a lot of pain. I kinda start to think about the situation, and I realise its all a dream. I throw myself out of the van and land on the footpath on the side of the road. I look around and see that I am at my old school. Its also pretty vivid too. Apart from the lack of trees, fences and cars on the road, its a pretty accurate manifestation of the side entrance of my school. I run to the closest DC and ask them for green eggs and ham, they replied, "I don't have any, but my brother does" She points into the school, a place where I have to run around a building because the place he is is raised... its hard to explain... anyway I change my mind and I make a rainbow appear. unfortunately the end of it is also inside the school, but I run to it anyway. The dream begins to fade so I focus on the paving at my feet. I lose it. Everything is black... so i visualise the rainbow and eventually I'm back in the dream, walking up to the end of the rainbow. Its width is a couple metres and the colours are in the right order... but its like a giant blow up slide. I try to climb it, but I slide off. stupid gravity... I stand back and squash it with my mind, it works, but the colours are mixed up. Its now like an orange path with patches of other colours. I walk up it anyway. then it goes second person, which is like the bane of my brain! I completely lose lucidity D: The end
      Can't Nuke Me! (Non-lucid)


      I am in a building (in the middle of nowhere) where we get to watch explosions from a distance. I could have gone to a few closer buildings like most people did but I chose the one furthest away from the site. It turns out I made the right decision, because we were the only building that didn't blow up... the explosion was very pretty I guess, for a dream. Im outside the building and I see a ghost ship flying over the debris that used to be a group of buildings in front of ours. theres rubble everywhere, even large rocks floating in the sky. it kinda looks like we're on mars. I'm back inside the building and there is tons of arcade game that i didnt notice before. Theres some good stuff, but I get distracted and follow a DC into the bathroom.
      Family get-together (Non-lucid)


      Me and my family are riding bikes around a lake, which is something we never do together (?) After a couple minutes we reach a park and have lunch
      Name (Non-lucid)


      I'm at a public pool - there are 2 of them, one is up stairs to the left. it seems that there is nothing around the place but beaches and mountains not too far from where we are now. In the distance I see a friend of mine as a lifegaurd. I jumped in a small gap where there was tons of seaweed, I end up being in an ocean and a large sand mountain rises from the seabed. i think.