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    Mespia's DJ of Doom

    Just your basic dream journal. Probably not too exciting, but I do have the interesting dream now and then.

    1. Spignysos

      by , 06-16-2010 at 12:58 AM (Mespia's DJ of Doom)
      Recently I have been very addicted to the site Alphabounce. It's fun for no apparent reason, and I had a dream about that last night. I dreamt that I finally made it to Spignysos to get the sampling of rock from there. I had heard numerous reports on the forums in real life. that it was extremely difficult to get this, but I attempted it anyway. It was said that your paddle was too slow to move. So, on the first level, my paddle was slow, but so was the ball. I beat the level easily, and before I knew it I had the rock sample. In fact I beat a lot of levels, wondering why everybody said it was so hard when it was really very easy. This was very realistic though.