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    Kjarva's dream journal

    The start of a long road to get me lucid!

    colour coding: Lucid Non Lucid Possible Lucid

    1. The wizards of UU

      by , 08-14-2010 at 07:34 AM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      I am out fishing with one of the wizards of unseen university, in a boat on the sea.I think my companion may be Mustrum Ridcully but I'm not entirely sure. I have a horrible feeling that something truly awful is going to happen and the very thought makes me feel miserable. I have a sneaking suspicion I might be rincewind in this part of my dream but really have no way to check. We catcha mackerel each, I remember looking at the colours of the fish.

      The scenery shifts and now myself and my flatmate are sitting on a sweeping stone staircase somewhere outside. I pass him a bottle of what I think is Jack Daniels but now that I think about it, it didn't look right. It had huge bubbles in it, like when you go to tip a big bottle of juice down the sink, I noticed these when he was pouring a glass. Also there was something wrong with the label, I cant remember if it said something different on it but I think it was more like hyroglyphics than words on the label. We both poured the whole bottle in our glasses and I can remember thinking that It was gonna really hurt in the morning.

      I look down from where we sat and there is what appears to be a skeleton leading an army. He has a big purple cloak on, and he is shouting in genuine surprise at the troops behind him. He is trying to send 4 little mini motorbikes up the stairs to get me and the flatmate but of course, the bikes can't get up the stairs. They are painted funny, like the bullet that used to try to shoot you in super mario is painted on the front. Not exactly like that, but the closest thing I can think of, it's like the bikes had little faces.

      Woke up, knowing that there was more to this dream but brain is refusing to produce the details..

      Just remembered another dream but it is pretty gross! A cat I'd never seen before is in my house and I'm at the top of the stairs watching the little invader approach. It stops every few steps to take a dump and out of it's business crawl these little grasshopper like bugs that are running up stairs to get me. I run into my room to grab some sheets to hit them away with but they are all gone when I turn back round. The cat, it's mess everything is gone

      Remembered another frag while I was brushing my teeth lol.

      I was eating some kind of toffee like a worthers original and it totally stuck my teeth together. I tried so hard to open my jaws but couldn't. With one final try I managed to free my teeth but not without pulling out a filling I have in my back tooth!

      Updated 08-14-2010 at 02:51 PM by 32157
