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    Sailing the Noosphere

    1. Fragments for July 11 2011

      by , 07-13-2011 at 03:53 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      Ah, horrible recall last few days finally broken.

      1. My friend P.M. is renting a camper from a couple of Russian guys. He drives me to it, but when we arrive it's really a dump. He brushes it off and says he has something more important to show me. He's apparently invented a time machine! The dream transitions to a futuristic room, containing a machine with five chambers. In one chamber, a man in Renaissance garb is sent to his native time. In another, an alien that looks like a dolphin is sent into the future. Yet another chamber contains a single banana, which is sent somewhere unknown. I crack a smile at that absurdity. Finally, two quarreling lovers are sent somewhere. I false awaken and start to dream journal about it, then actually awaken (big failed RC, and screw you subconscious).

      2. I'm a journalist, currently skulking around an abandoned African city. I go through the corridors and stairways of a dark factory, looking for the focus stone of a changeling child.
    2. Fragments for August 27 2010

      by , 08-29-2010 at 03:49 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm reading articles on the internet, and see that the University of Kentucky has a sophisticated oil-cleanup system. I stop reading that and read about a local college's study abroad program. One is to Kenya, another to another African country where the girls are very fat. Also on the website is the college's opening ceremony, where a Christian singer's voice is beautiful enough to cause chicken eggs to hatch.

      2. I visit the same college's game club. I see myself playing a board game with P and others, and express surprise.
    3. Fragments for August 19 2010

      by , 08-21-2010 at 12:02 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm shoplifting several sticks of deodorant from Walgreens. An employee confronts me in the parking lot.

      2. I'm poisoning a well in Africa. I seem to be spraying a toxic chemical onto the ground, which seeps down and makes the water unpotable. A young black girl catches me in the act, but all she does is compliment me on my hair and skip back into her village.
    4. Graffiti Sorrow and African Bike Race Fragment

      by , 06-25-2010 at 12:06 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. Mom, my brother, and I are driving around downtown Cincinnati, when I notice some interesting graffiti on the side of a tall building. Everyone gets out of the car and starts to climb the building, eventually reaching an outcrop near the tags. One is simple to interpret and just says "Rage," the other is a design that looks like two capital "A" letters that share a leg. I think that the latter symbol is the tagger's way of representing A=A, the Objectivist tenet. This is backed up when I find (and start leafing through, missing a RC) a philosophy textbook. Details afterward are fuzzy, but the conversation among the family turns to something horrible, and I remember a crushing sadness. The textbook falls and shatters as we climb down, and eventually I start to sob.

      2. I'm watching a movie-style overview of an epic bike race in Africa. Things quickly go over-the-top; one bike is a robotic monstrosity, one is ridden by an ape-man who carries jungle animals with him, and one is ridden by Spiderman. Crazy hijinks ensue, but details are kind of fuzzy.

      Updated 06-25-2010 at 12:09 AM by 32914
