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    1. 2 nightmares and cake

      by , 10-31-2011 at 07:24 PM
      i'll start with the two that weren't nightmares because the two that were nighmares were very similar (even though they were not consecutive)

      i had to open this vault for these two ex-friends of mine that i had seen a few hours ago......i was the only one there with the code.....they weren't as rude to me as they usually are...and they brought out this strange cake....it was a vanilla cake with red jello poured into slits in it.......i was eating it with my hands and 5-6 preschoolers wanted some and i told them to take only a bite at first to see if they like it and then they can have more if they like it (which is what my gram told me about new foods the whole time i was growing up)

      the other two were types of assisted living facilities.....i was a patient (which is something i fear because my docs want to take me out of school to put me in one if i can't get my depression under control)

      the one was like a really old house and it had hard wood floors....i was the maid

      the other i was a patient and tied into a wheel chair because i kept climbing on stuff otherwise

      in both they threatened me with needles if i didn't cooperate (which is my biggest fear)