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    1. taking back my diary

      by , 11-22-2012 at 02:22 PM
      i had a dream that i was back at the place i lived before college (in the room i shared with my sister)....and my "mother" had taken my journal/diary (mental hurricane is it's name)....and i had gone back to take a few things before leaving for good.....and it looked a lot different than it had when i lived there.....the room was where my bedroom was.....but was decorated like the room i shared with my sister.....and there were candles in there and my computer was gone........and i took my diary back.....and it turned out she had been using it.....and i hid it in a bag under plastic ninjas and then left

      i carry around a plastic container with a bunch of small pastic ninjas in it...that i keep in my school bag.......42 with back up ninjas (54).....because you always need a back up ninja.......not a back up plan involving a ninja......because that would mean your first plan didn't have a ninja....and that's why it failed