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    Book of Dreams

    1. Hair Show/Pride Fest

      by , 06-27-2016 at 02:39 PM (Book of Dreams)
      12:00 am

      Dream 1:
      I am at a hair show, and I'm with a girl I knew in high school (dreamsign), and I need to do a touchup on her friend. We decide on what formula to use (40g 5N + 4g DBG + 20 vol) and I have the 5N, but I need to get the DBG from another stage. I make my way over there to get the color while trying not to draw any attention to myself for some reason. Then I return and mix the color, but I look into the bowl and realize the color tube was in the bowl and I poured all the color onto it, so then I grab another bowl and try again, and the same thing happens. I start freaking out because I'm wasting so much color, but I finally get it right and apply the touchup on this guy, even though the show is ending. Once I get the right mix, the color looks like a rainbow tint, like how you see those weird rainbow colors in oil. I look into the color and it feels like I'm sucked into it, it takes me to another dream scene. I didn't notice this really as I was dreaming... I could see another scene in the reflection of the rainbow color and I looked so closely that I was transported there.
      In the second scene, I'm with a coworker at a gas station and she's saying that the gas company is pumping Tryptamine into the gas, and that she's been recording it. She presses a button and the giant sign that usually posts the gas prices is now displaying how much Tryptamine is in the gas. I have no idea what this means but I think it was bad.

      Dream 2:
      I'm at a pride festival, but I'm in a hosptial gown laying on a gurney. I'm in a procession that's leading to a stage, and I'm wheeling myself with my arms. Eventually someone helps me and once I get on the stage I'm wearing a nice suit. I'm standing now with a bunch of other people in suits, and they're clapping, so I turn around and start clapping for everyone I'm with, but someone tells me to turn around because I'm getting an award. I have no idea what the award is for, but I turn around and wait. Then I get put back on the gurney, and my grandpa is there and he carries me off the stage. My uncle is there too. They take me back and I notice a big sign that has my name on it and all these people have signed it. I'm back in the hospital gown and I'm wheeled over to a train. The front of the train is open, it almost looks like the front of a boat. There is a drag queen in the front and she's crying. I want to ask her what is wrong but then the train shoots through a tunnel.
      The festival ends and I have to get off the gurney and walk, but I'm limping really badly. I'm walking in the grass back to the parking lot, but I have to scale this wall that borders a body of water. I reach a point where an old lady pushing a baby in a stroller is trying to get around me, but she somehow slips and they both fall into the water. I'm stunned at first, I see the old lady and the baby start sinking. I'm about to jump in to help them but I wake up, in one of those waking up from a nightmare type ways where you shoot up in bed. I want to DEILD back into the dream so I can help them but it doesn't work. It doesn't sound so horrible now that I'm writing it out but in the dream I was so horrified and scared for them.
    2. Beatles fragment/High School Reunion

      by , 06-25-2016 at 09:41 PM (Book of Dreams)

      Didn't end up falling asleep until after 11:30, so didn't get a full 8 hours last night.

      Dream 1 (fragment):
      I was in a mini van listening to a CD I got from the library, it was all Beatles music. This is the 2nd time I've listened to the Beatles in my dreams lately, I think it's because I watched the Anthology documentary recently. Anyways, my old dog Stormy was there again (2nd time this week!) she left a big muddy pawprint on the seat when she jumped out of the van, but I didn't mind because I was so excited to see her!

      Dream 2:
      I had to go back to my high school (dreamsign!) for some sort of meeting, though I was vague on the details. All I knew was that if we didn't go, our diplomas would not actually be valid. It ended up being a movie night, we were watching "Space Jam 3" which I don't think exists in WL, but anyways, I was there with my friend Laura and I realized my hair was really long on the top and really curly. I remember looking in the mirror very excitedly because I've always wanted curly hair. By the end of this movie, I remember saying "is this really all the wanted us here for? This is a requirement for us to get our diplomas, but really it's just to get us to buy stuff" I don't actually remember buying anything, but that's how I was feeling, apparently. Once we were released, I ran through the hallway to get back to my apartment, but i had a textbook in a backpack I was wearing and it was really slowing me down. Running took a lot of effort, the bag was SO heavy, even though there was only one book. I remember thinking "wow, I've really gotten out of shape since I graduated high school," but really it's because I was DREAMING, should have done an RC... anyways, I was running so hard and getting so sweaty, that by the time I got back to my room, my hair was all wet and it was straight again. It also looked like my hair was thinning a lot on the top, I barely had any left.
      I got back to my room to find my three roommates (none of them are my WL roommate) who were all in my graduating class, and they were working out. Our apartment was a gym, and my bed was just a couch on the side. Then i had this fake dream memory where I remembered my WL roommate was just letting me crash with her because I hated my real living situation. I decided I would go back and stay with her, because I had a real bed and room to myself.
      The dream ended where I was driving to get something from walgreens. I almost walked, but the sun was starting to set and I didn't want to walk in the dark. Before I even arrived at walgreens, I noticed it was pitch black outisde. "wow," I thought, "It really did get dark quickly, good thing I drove,"

      I feel like this whole dream I was noticing the strange inconsistencies, but didn't once think to try and RC! Before I went to bed, I was really focusing on doing a RC when I saw a dreamsign, but it looks like it didn't work, though the fact that I was noticing anything at all is a step in the right direction, I think!!

      I'm about to take an afternoon nap... I'm hoping for a LD
    3. Making a Scene in the Church

      by , 06-24-2016 at 02:11 PM (Book of Dreams)

      Recall wasn't so good last night, I didn't have my focus. I had a 10 hour work day, so my sleep was very deep. Did recall one solid dream though.

      Dream 1
      I was at a mass in a town near where I grew up, and my whole family was there. Halfway into the mass, this woman started giving a presentation, but there was some kids who were being really loud. I didn't witness exactly what happened, but the woman made these kids leave. I saw the mother gather her children and yell "Don't worry, we won't be coming back!" and she looked really angry. The next thing I know, my aunt goes up to the woman and ruins her presentation. She scribbles all over her whiteboard and says some stuff to her about how you can't just kick children out of the church. Then she realizes how embarrassing her actions were and starts crying. I get up and take her to the sacristy, and she's crying and says she was just really mad at how the woman treated that family. Then the priest comes in to talk to her, and I'm just sort of observing the whole thing. I forget what he was saying to her, but then the woman came in and she seemed really embarrassed and emotional as well. My aunt wouldn't talk to her or even look at her, and then I think we left.

      Dream 2 (fragment):
      This fragment is like a fake memory from high school, there's a bunch of kids from my class in a park behind my house, and we're all doing this music video with choreographed dancing and singing. I remember seeing my best friend from high school, who I haven't spoken to in years IRL, and I just remember avoiding her the whole time, even though we were still in high school and supposedly still friends. Awkward feelings...
    4. 6/17/16

      by , 06-17-2016 at 12:56 PM (Book of Dreams)
      Only recalling one dream from last night...

      I can't remember exactly how the dream started, but the first thing I remember is that I was downtown, walking around with some people, and I kept running into people from my high school. I would say hi, but as this kept happening I remember thinking, "this is so weird seeing this many high school friends at once..." when eventually I came across the actual school, but I was still downtown. I asked around as to why the school was moved, and somebody told me they relocated it to the Chicago river. This was an acceptable answer to me, so I went inside and reconnected with some classmates (funny how my whole graduating class was still hanging out in and around the school...)

      The next thing I remember is running through the halls with a large group of friends following me, but I was literally running as fast as I could. They weren't chasing me, but we were all going at top speed, and I was trying to get away from them but they didn't know it.

      I can't recall how the running sequence ended, but then I remember being outside the school again, on a little patch of land by the river. As I looked back at the school, I realized it was literally on the water. I reached out one hand, one tower of the building began bubbling from under the water, where the foundation was. Eventually the whole tower collapsed. Nearby students watched and started freaking out, and I just kept stretching my hands out, destroying the school one section at a time. Once the whole thing had come down, a huge fight scene ensued between me and all the students who were outside. It was like a martial arts movie. Then I woke up.