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    scumpy's journey to lucidity...

    I just started but am on a mission to become lucid every night


    1. Military school and Sylvester Stallones house

      by , 08-10-2010 at 03:50 PM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      Seems like I wasn't interested in having any LD's last night with the amount of weird stuff happening

      Fragment: remember having an intimate dream with C (details are reserved for me)

      I remember a dream about being in a comic version of reality, possibly something to do with virtual reality? People had "powers" and it was set in Africa again. It was either in or had something to do with Rwanda and Burundi.

      My wife and I were praying for some guy who had a show jumping competition but he was blind? We were looking at the place where it was supposed to happen in a picture, I recognized the picture as being 2 places that I know. Suddenly we were in the place that the picture was travelling. C morphed into a bug but it was still her. We went to my primary school and it was military preparing students for civil war - like overthrowing the government. I was aware that I was at school without showering and was very self conscious and just wanted to shower. Also there was something about C putting part of my lunch in the staff fridge and I wanted it back. At break it was snowing and there was lots of ice. I went with L,Z and some random kid in there car until we stopped to play in the snow, we had a snow fight and then tried to build a snowman. We then went into Sylvester Stallones house, D was there and we were there to council him because they had lost a family member, I think it was his mom, his wife and son were there.... and that's all I remember

      Updated 08-10-2010 at 04:49 PM by 34248

      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Last 2 nights 4 LD's!!!

      by , 08-09-2010 at 12:14 PM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      I''l put the dreams from the last 2 nights in the same entry


      can't remember why but I looked at my left hand and I had too many fingers, failed a nose RC then checked my hand again - still manky, became lucid. Was in a room which was supposed to be my parents it was very dark. I touched the cupbords and whatever else I could reach to stabilize the dream, it worked. I left the room and was in G's house I walked to the playroom but didn't see anyone, I walked back towards G's room to see if B was there as I approached the room the dream faded.

      Later that night I had a non-lucid dream in the same house, this time there were lots of DC's including a beautiful woman who was totally into me. I felt like I was cheating by being with here and tried to hide what we were up to. We kissed in the playroom and them made plans to meet in G's bedroom, she wanted me to stay another day but I said no. I went through the kitchen on the way to G's room and B was making breakfast in the kitchen. Eventually I'm in G's room with the woman and we have sex, B is there and she is giving me instructions - LOL

      Nap: I'm travelling in Africa and am in charge of some teams, Dad and me split the teams mixing them. S was there.


      We're visiting houses from a news story? We go into a house that I know in the dream world it is a very poor area, the house has yellow and blue walls. We're invited to sit down and I notice 2 of those buzzy magnet things on a table. I remember someone mentioning them in the inception totem thread and realize im dreaming. Do a hand RC and fail but know I'm dreaming so I do a nose RC and I can breathe. I touch some things to stabilize and walk toward the kitchen where the old lady host went. As I get to the kitchen I start loosing the dream, in desperation I close my eyes and spin and fall, I get up in the living room again and head toward the kitchen the dream fades again this time I can't stabilize it .

      Later I'm fetching L from school but the building is different as I get to the gate I realize this is a dream, I RC and become Lucid. I touch the gate to stabilize. I go into the classroom but there are no DC's. I decide to walk through the door to transition to somewhere else, I walk through the door without opening it and simply am outside the school. K is sitting outside and I decide to see what kissing feels like. I put my hands through here hair to help stabilize and kiss her. It feels ok - not amazing. I loose the dream - probably because I closed my eyes.

      I lie dead still after waking and slide back into the dream, this time I'm fetching P. I'm lucid from the beginning but loose the dream waking up after a few seconds .

      fragments: Africa again, S is there, Trip to Russian or Turkey?

      Updated 08-10-2010 at 03:52 PM by 34248

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    3. Lexus and skydiving

      by , 07-30-2010 at 02:31 PM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      Again I didn't have very good recall, I actually suspect that I had a few lucid moments but didn't maintain them very long.

      I'm driving a Lexus except it doesn't use normal controls it uses a Wiimote kind of thing. Some of my old school friends are there. Walter from fringe is in the car and comments about the heated seats at some point. We're traveling towards the yacht club in the town where I grew up. Instead we go to my house and I argue with my dad about being late. I try to find my own car to leave and can't find it.

      not sure if this is the same dream or a new one... Some girls that I knew from school are at the same house as above, the house and next door are busy undergoing alterations. We go inside... the dream fades

      I sky dive with some of my friends into carrington road from very low altitude. One friend opens his shoot too late but lands on it and he's fine. We pack our chutes hoping to find a place to base jump.
    4. more golf... holy socks

      by , 07-29-2010 at 06:57 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      Only remembered 1 dream last night

      I'm setting up for some kind of event there is some kind of curtain/banner thing that needs to get washed no-one volunteers to wash it... Later I'm in my childhood home people are coming to stay my cousin S will have to sleep in my room. In my room I notice the curtain/banner thing my wife has been chopping green peppers, apparently because my son had holes in his school socks we are being punished by having to wash the banner and bring chopped green peppers to the school. I decide that this is ridiculous and am suddenly at the school fetching my son, I almost leave without talking to the teacher but decide against leaving. I have a word with her that this is ridiculous and that we won't be washing the banner or bringing the chopped peppers. WE walk toward another area in the school and cue up for something on the way I'm telling school kids to take off their school shoes to prove that lots of people have holes in there socks, I only find 1 with holes in. At this point I realize that I'm wearing a school uniform and start to complain that the other parents don't have to wear a uniform (I really should have become lucid here). We get to a place where we have to cue I'm talking to my wife about how the teacher will hate us forever but it isn't the teacher it's another teacher in the school who we know, I tell the principle about how ridiculous all this is. At some point I'm in the very back of the line and we're cueing for registration for a golf day. I'm at the very back with an unknown friend, I feel very intimidated and competitive. I'm showing my driver to my friend. I get to the front and I have been pre-registered and collect my stuff. I go through the stuff it includes pills and tags for your golf bad and other stuff, I organize it into my golf bag... I think I wake up at this point