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    Purple Trees and Zombies: Trippy Dreams of an Artist/Writer

    Since I'm an artist and writer, my dreams are pretty vivid. Plotlines, recurring themes, and even dreams within dreams. Warped Amusement parks, watery ruins, a haunted house surrounded by water, frozen landscapes, and apocalypses galore. Normally a mundane dream will turn supernatural, or something will begin chasing me for the fun of it. Horrible while it's happening, but upon waking, I'm ecstatically writing down the details.

    And don't get me started on the sex. There's never enough of that for this naughty girl.

    1. From work, to Halloween, to the eighteenth century...

      by , 08-01-2010 at 02:21 PM (Purple Trees and Zombies: Trippy Dreams of an Artist/Writer)
      I'm at a table at work, making a sign for the employees, something about encouragement. Char, one of my co-workers is annoying me, but I never remember why. I'm trying to find space on this poster board for what my manager, Brian wants. I think I ask Arayna, the day baker, if making a checklist for the employee's achievements is okay to conserve space.

      Then it's Halloween and I'm putting on makeup. I don't remember the details, but my mom is there and we are in my old kitchen in the trailer I grew up in. I'm dressed in white, but the costume details are fuzzy. I'm waiting for my friend, Mark to come. I think he'll be impressed by my makeup job. I grab my orange pumpkin pail and head out.

      Cut to a woman's house. It's down a dirt road, in the country. I remember white siding and a screened porch. I'm still dressed for Halloween and I think Mark is still with me. The woman gives me these old books instead of candy. They look like picture books from the 50's. I look over to her pile and see two art books on dragons. I ask if I can have one. She gives me one, but then I know the other has more techniques on "how" to draw the pictures inside. Mine just has the pictures. I ask for the other, but she refuses, says it's not for sale. She'll let me look though. This isn't enough and I wonder if I should steal it. The art inside is by Luis Royo, a Spanish (and my favorite) artist. I do remember some of the pictures, most of them had females, blond hair. (There's that blond hair again).

      Then Mark is gone, and I'm inside this old mansion. I think I'm babysitting this boy, dark haired and around 12 years old. His mother is sleeping. Another fragment invades this dream and I'm unsure if it's context or where it truly fits. I'm outside in a red snowsuit, covered from head to toe, sitting in the snow. I'm warm and I'm burying myself inside the snow drift. it's sunny outside and I'm right outside my parent's window at their house.

      Back to the babysitting, the boy runs away and I have to find him. Joey (friend from work) is there and opens one of those books the Halloween lady gave me. It's newer this time, looks like a travel book. He says the boy might have went to a place inside the book. I have to hurry before the mother wakes and realizes her son is gone. I go outside, cobblestone road under my feet, and there's all these alleys I pass, "hallways" from inside the house. Their walls were wooden, but the floor was the road. One at the end had a cabinet filled with glass tubes and bottles, like a lab. Others had storage cubbies and doors. I see a woman poking around, she has reddish hair and dressed in eighteenth century garb. I wonder what she's up to, but don't investigate at this time.

      I go outside and into a marketplace. It's something out of the renaissance, but with goth people dressed in black instead of the renaissance clothing. I look down and realize, I'm dressed in a black dress myself, out of the eighteenth century, but my feet have gray socks, no shoes. I seemed unconcerned, even proud of this for some reason as I walk down the road.

      I wander around and forget about the boy. Jewelry stands are everywhere, glittering with every type of jewelry I love. I reach for my purse, but have none. I wonder where Jenny and Adam are, my best friend and her husband. I know they are there, somewhere. I go back to get some money from the mansion, and realize the woman poking around earlier has my money. I see her dart between the hall/alleys and chase her down. I push her around a little, angry and she doesn't fight back. Hugh Jackman, dressed in the same style clothing I have gives me a sickle and says "You know what to do." I ask should I cut the woman's head off, and he laughs, says the sickle isn't sharp enough. So I angle it and slit her throat. She doesn't struggle the entire time, and I feel nothing when I do this.

      Once dead, Hugh searches her body and gives me three pouches, one maroon, and two dark green. There's money inside, but I'm not sure how much. I know she robbed the mother while she slept, and apparently someone else besides me. I keep all three purses.


      The last dream was one I had right before waking, therefore, all the details were still quite vivid. No lucid. Which is, again, annoying, but I'm starting to notice a few themes I haven't before. The blonds are now looking dubious to me. Why the hell am I dreaming about blonds? Every night so far has had blond females. The art books are kinda self-explanatory as I wish to get back into drawing again, but I'm not sure of my skill level. Halloween is my favorite holiday...and Mark in RL is a makeup artist, among other things so yes, I would be interested to see what he thought of my makeup. Snow and the snowsuit...have no clue. A memory invading? I never owned a red snowsuit though. The jewelry and the whole renaissance bit is also simple. I love those type of necklaces and Ren fest is coming up this month. I'm afraid I won't have the money to buy anything. Not sure on my clothing or lack of shoes. Not sure about the boy and the sleeping mother, or what was going on with killing the thief. As for the work part of the first dream, not sure either. Maybe because things have been tense with the managers and district manager lately.