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    I Have a Problem

    Welcome to my subconscious!

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    Lucid | Non-Dream

    1. Eloise

      by , 05-08-2011 at 11:37 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 08-11-10
      Length: 5 Minutes
      Vividness: 6/10

      This dream was taking place in 3rd Person point of view, as if it were a movie.

      There was a man and his girlfriend living in a motel/shack type of house on the harbor, literally hanging over the water.
      The man hated the place.
      He went on about how it was too small, his head would touch the roof when he was standing on the patio.

      One day, a man pulled in.
      He told the man living there about this woman name Eloise, I believe she was his mother, yet also related to his girlfriend in some way.
