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    1. Trying flying in a DILD, 20-25 minutes

      by , 05-20-2013 at 04:59 PM
      This dream is from last week so I don't remember everything anymore. I've forgotten the beginning of the dream.

      I'm in front of my home. I don't remember what I was doing. The first thing I remember is becoming Lucid. First I try flying. Then I decide to try flying as high as possible. My first attempts are not very succesful: I can't get higher than about ten metres. The I try spinning, and suddenly flying up is very easy. I am soon at cloud level. I estimate that I'm in around two kilometres' height (in reality I would be ten km high). I rise above the clouds. The sky above me is clear and blue. I carry on rising. Soon I'm surrounded by clouds again. The clouds are red. A meteor shoots past me. I get scared and lose some lucidity (however not all); don't I become exposed to radiation this high? Won't I get out of air. I feel that the air is thin. I decide to descend below the clouds. When I'm below them I try to stop. It doesn't work and I continue falling down. Soon I'm plunging down, trying to slow down. In a few seconds I hit the ground. I have turned into a spaceship. However, my attempts at slowing down have been partially succesful and instead of causing an impact crater I only knock down some trees. Now I've lost all the lucidity and the dream's back to normal. There are some people playing football. I am now around three metres tall. I play football with the people for the rest of the dream.
      Tags: flying
    2. Trying to get to a tower, 15-20 minutes

      by , 04-17-2011 at 09:26 AM
      It's Easter and to celebrate that I'm spending the whole day in the form of a polar bear cub. In front of me there is a tower. I go inside. There is a long wooden table and some people inside it. I spot the ladders to the top of the tower. Climbing them as a little bear is hard, but I manage to do it. When I'm almost at the top. A guy passes me. He doesn't even look at me. Now I can see the feet of the people at the top of the tower. Suddenly I change back into human. I try to transform into a bear, but I don't succeed. I see a woman coming back down. She must not see me as a human. I back down the ladders (there were lots of ladders, each one had four steps, and an about one square metre platform between them). It is a lot easier when I'm human. Now I manage to transform back into a bear. The woman passes me without looking at me. Now I have two ladders to climb. I manage the first one with some difficulties, but when I have almost got up, I suddenly find myself falling down. Two seconds later I'm lying on the table. I leave the tower and transform back into a human. If I can't climb there, I'll fly there! I start running, jump into the air and stay there. Flapping my hands, I rise into the level of the house next to me. In the backyard of the house there is someone I know (I can't remember who it was). There are also two boys. They are wearing costumes. The other one points at me. "He's flying! Cool!" I fly back to ground. I notice three brass instruments. "The boys just took up playing trombones", my friend, whoever he was, explains me. That's the last thing I remember.
      Tags: flying