• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Katsuno's Avatar
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      Yeah these music files sound pretty relaxing
      Gonna try them next time I got to bed. Normally I listen to a 1 hour chill-trance mix that puts me (like the name of the music ) into a trance.
      Well for the reverse blinking: I read that it is a technique that should put you into a trance/sp like feeling faster when attempting wild. You can do it by having your eyes closed and about every 5-10 seconds open them for just a short moment like when you blink. It's basically just blinking but reverse ^^
      I tried this one time and it relaxed my eyes so that I could only open them with force again. Pretty nice technique if you are not very sleepy and you can't close your eyes easily
    2. iFatal's Avatar
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      can someone also explain to me what reverse blinking is?
    3. iFatal's Avatar
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      Yeah. I listen to classical music while I go to sleep.

      And about that music thing, I think I have some songs that might have us get lost in our thoughts. I usually listen to these songs on the way to school and they zone me out pretty good.

      Try listing to these songs when you try to WILD or something use speakers or headphones. You can listen to these songs to on the website to determine if you want to download them or not.

      1. Staring Into Space

      DL link: [cam] Staring Into Space

      2. Relax (I made this one.)

      DL link: Relax ~ LRD

      3. Feels Like Meh

      DL link: Feels Like Meh (NG Cut)

      4. On Your Day Off

      DL Link: On Your Day Off (NG Cut)

      5. Dream Snooping

      DL Link: Dream Snooping

      Tell me if this works for you guys so once and if we make a WILD tutorial for the forum, I can include this in.
    4. Katsuno's Avatar
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      Well iFatal, your're right, SP differs from one person to another. I've heard of people who don't even have sp at all when Wilding. Maybe the little numbness you have is all you get. But from my own experience I know how you feel. I often have just a little numbness and give up then. The only times I get into a full body paralyze is when 1. I listen to music and totally get lost in my thoughts until I notice that the music is over or 2. I just think about an amazing story until I get lost in my thoughts and get conscious again.
      Either way, it only happens when I don't try observe it at all. When I try to get into sp by force, I notice how my body slowly gets numb and then I get too excited again and I've got the same problem as you.
      You could try to just go to bed not with the goal of sleeping or getting into sp, but thinking about something/ listening to music/ meditation or whatever you want and as a side effect, don't move
    5. iFatal's Avatar
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      The old hag thing sound kind of scary but not that scary I have to sleep with my little brother so that gives me kind of a false sense of security.

      Can anyone give any tips into getting into SP because I can never get into it. I relax and relax don't think about SP, wilding or any of that stuff and all I get is a little numbness in my hands and a tingle all over my body. I know that SP varies for different people but I need away to tell if i'm about to WILD or not. I have never had any HI or anything like that and the closest to SP that I have ever gotten is waking up and only being able to move a little.

      Any help/ tips?
    6. siuol's Avatar
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      well woke up without moving at my grandpartents house, ty autosuggestion, and figured why take a chance at wild when i have a perfect FILD set up. i had a nice lucid, and woke up unmoving, i felt i was to awake to properly chain it with DEILD or FILD, and another attempt proved me right. well that should have been my hint there, but from having so many WILD attempts where i just crash in the middle, i put out some chocolate the night before to see if a small amount of caffiene (that might be spelt wrong) would help. and i dont know if it was that along with being to awake, or if it wasnt even the chocolate and i was just to awake naturally, but i failed, only getting completely numb. i also wasnt to comfortable on the couch so that might have contributed. i found out i can remember that im wild after every 20 breaths or so with autosuggestion, but it didnt matter since it took me a long time to get back to sleep even after i gave up on wild.
    7. Katsuno's Avatar
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      The "Old Hag" Syndrome is an old myth of SP. It is the feeling that you have in SP as if someone is sitting on your chest and you feel a dark presence nearby. It is called Old Hag because people thought it was a witch that sat on their chest and paralyzed them to hurt them. I have experienced it about 2 times and if I didn't knew about the Old Hag syndrome I would have freaked out for sure. My second time I had it was even worse because I also had auditory hallucinations and heard demon voices scream at me. Last night I had a similar experience: I woke up and was still a little in sp so I opened my eyes and for about 2 seconds I saw an old witch standing near my bed. Luckily it was only a hallucination
    8. iFatal's Avatar
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      What is the "Old Hag" in SP?
    9. Raspberry's Avatar
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      Hey guys, have any of you experienced the "Old Hag" when in SP? I saw a thread on it that reminded me how creepy I find it.

      I'm just curious

      Also, the WILD before sleep didn't work last night. I got to bed really late (well, early) and pretty much face-planted the futon and passed out.
    10. iFatal's Avatar
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      I never have dreams on the weekends because I go to bed too late.
    11. siuol's Avatar
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      havent been posting because i have made little progress. today i woke up at 6:30 to attend to my crying dog downstairs, i thought that was enough to wake me up but i guess not. (i just woke up from a dream but it was after about 3 hours of sleep so my next rem phase was probably far away now that i think of it.) i stopped moving, ignored itches (getting much easier now) and started focusing on my breathing, but not counting. ive also found that the numbness comes in faster if you dont look for it, but if yiou shift your attention a little it is there. the vacation is almost over so i think im going to have to get into doing it on weekends and on weekdays ill just have to work on autosuggestion or something. oh and this is just an idea, many of my fild attempts have been screwed up because i count how many seconds its been. our mind is pretty good at judging time without counting, and my problem today with not counting my breaths was that i just drifted off, and if i count my mind wont drift off at all, so im going to try a mantra or something like "around every 20 breaths or so i will be aware of my WILD attempt" or something like that. it just may work in solving my anchoring problems, if it gives results for some of you guys tell me.
    12. iFatal's Avatar
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      I wasn't able to WILD today. My sisters to my the cellphone I use and I couldn't use my ipad as an alarm because it wakes up my little brother.
    13. Raspberry's Avatar
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      Katsuno I think that's a really great idea Unfortunatly for me, I don't really recall much about the experience.

      I didn't attempt last night either (still got crappy recall) and tonight I'm staying at a friends house so again, no attempt.

      Though last time I stayed over at someones, I got so tired that when I focused on my breathing (even without a WBTB) I felt like I was being sucked into a dream and remember seeing images. So maybe I'll try one, even though I'm not sleeping beforehand.
    14. Refrain's Avatar
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      going to try to wild tonight. Hopefully with get some progress. I have been doing really good with DILDs though. Ive had one today yesterday and the day before.
    15. Katsuno's Avatar
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      Well, my first successful attempt was a long time ago (actually it was my first ld I ever had) so here is what happened. (My key words will be underlined):

      I did a WBTB and went to the toilet and back to bed. There I listened to the sound file from RainyMood.com - Rain makes everything better. (it's natural White Noise). After about half an hour I gave up because nothing happened and I decided to fall asleep. I rolled over to the side and noticed that my mind was still wide awake and because of that I decided to kill time with thinking about random stuff until I get tired enough to fall asleep.
      So I started with thinking about what I'm going to do next day, and let my mind wander (I did all this with my eyes open). And then the strange thing happened: I suddenly just got unconscious even with my eyes open and It was just like a Blackout. I don't remember ANYTHING that happened during that time but after a while I got conscious again and I noticed that my WHOLE body was numb. It felt like I was unconscious for about 20 minutes and it was very strange (Maybe I was daydreaming). So I decided tothink about a dream scene and Whooooosh I got sucked into it and had my first ld. Well that was my first Wild.

      The funny thing is that when I thought about this last night I actually had my first lucid daydream (yeah really ). I was thinking about how I could write this in the group and suddenly got caught in a daydream that was vivid as a lucid dream. I knew I was still awake but I had full control over the daydream and I did all the things I would normally do in a lucid dream. The only difference was that I had no feelings in the dream. It was as if I was playing a computer game and I had full control over it. I think that was what happened during the Blackout I had. When I got conscious again last night after the daydream I really couldn't say if it actually was a ld or not because it was so vivid. But I know I was awake that time because I had my eyes open that time.

      So I think the most important part for my success was that I kept my mind busy without thinking about wilding. I just wanted to kill time
      I'm putting my key words into a word document and I will add yours also. When I have the key words of everyone I'm gonna sort out them and make some lists.
      Updated 02-26-2011 at 12:13 PM by Katsuno
    16. Katsuno's Avatar
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      Hey you! Last night (or better said 3 hours ago ) I came up with a great idea.
      So after my 2 failed Wild attempts last night (1 was due to my cats) I thought about the reason why I had my first Wild and why I fail so much lately. And then I realized how this Wild-group can help to invent our very own Wild-Technique. I noticed that in this group we just tell if we failed or not and we don't go much into detail. So I came up with the plan that we write our very first successful Wild attempt (If you had one) and your latest fail. But not just write what you did but also what you thought about and so on. Also I want you to mark your Key words (the things you think were responsible for your success/fail) so I can make a list of all the key words and point out similar things. Maybe with this we can find out what we do wrong and what we do similar that leads to success.
      For the start of this project I want you to write your successful wild attempts at first so I can make a list of them and then when we're done we write our fails. I'm going to write my story now.
    17. iFatal's Avatar
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      Feel asleep again while WILDING I let my mind wander to much. I had another vivid dream afterwards only to wake up to vibrating cellphone.

      I actually did a reality check in the dream (nose plug). I kinda confused me for a couple of seconds in the dream because I was able to sort of able breathe through my nose. It's a shame I didn't look at my hands.
    18. Raspberry's Avatar
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      No attempt for me either because my recall is so rubbish right now and I don't know whether it's due to WILD attempts or just a recall dry spell
    19. Katsuno's Avatar
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      No attempt last night for me because I was too tired.
      Gonna get 12 hours of sleep tonight and try 2 wbtb-wilds after 3 and 7 hours of sleep and some deilds ^^
    20. iFatal's Avatar
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      Another fail for me. I passed out then woke back up again 30 minutes later and tried to WILD again but couldn't get comfortable. But I did have a very detailed vivid dream afterwards.

      I'm going to end up having a DILD before I wild haha. This is 4 vivid dreams in a row so far.

      Vivid Dream (2-24-11)

      After a failed WILD attempt, I had a very detailed vivid dream.

      I was at an ice rink where me and my friends were skating and we were about to leave. I out the door and we were outside and it's night time. I forget my ice skates so I go back inside to look for them. After looking for them, I go back out the door and i'm in my school. I see a 9th grader that goes on my buss and he is wearing like some type of air bag on his back that allows him to jump really high.

      A random kid comes up to me and says something like, "That suit makes him weigh only 10 pounds."

      I wake up from my vibrating cellphone.
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