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    1. June 18, 2011

      by , 06-19-2011 at 12:43 PM
      Sleep. I am sitting with John, and my mother comes from a corridor with three plastic bowls: doritos, popcorn and chocolate chip muffins. John asks me if I seriously bought Magic cards.

      Then I am somewhere else, and I learn that Grandma has died. I feel guilty, wishing I had not judged her so harshly.

      I am at school, and the Breakfast Club is running. This surprises me, because I thought it was over for the year. Nevertheless, they are serving mini-bagels and garlic bread. I take some garlic bread and go sit at one of the benches to watch the movie, the launching of the first rocket into space (however, it is more of a racing car with rockets going along a racrtrack).

      Then, I am in a bookstore (which is actually the library, I think). I am another girl, who steals an orange shirt and ends up becoming a thief. I am being chased by the police in the Saab. At one intersection, I do a U-turn that makes my wheels skid. Then, I zoom through and go down a ton of side streets. I can only think of getting to the border. Wake.

      Then, I woke up at 3:15, stayed up for about 5 minutes, and tried to do a WILD. Obviously, I failed.

      Sleep. I am in a restaurant in the mall (located where the photography store should be). I see Mr. Dee (who is not even one of my teachers!), and he is telling me how I did on a presentation: poorly. He gives me a rubric, and I look at the mark: 6/26. (I do not remember what each individual section of the rubric said, however). I fall backwards and hit my head on the ground, but it does not hurt.

      Then, I get up and walk back to the restaurant and enter a room with a kitten. I wake it up, and then see that a computer is on. Someone is composing an email. At the other computer sits a man, who tells me that I am being quite rude and that someone is already using that computer. Oh, and that I shouldn't be reading someone else' email. I tell him that I recognized the email (even though I didn't), and then Sasha walks into the room. The kitten starts clawing me, and I run out of the room. It is still clawing me, and its scratch marks even wrote a word on the back of my right hand (which I don't remember. Pansy, maybe?).

      Sometime during the computer room scene, I browse Neopets and see that they have an "Academy Awards" for certain Neopets. Such as, the most "Classic" Neopet.

      At one point, I am back in the restaurant, at one of the tables. I am with Luc and Sasha, and we are going to eat dinner. The restaurant is serving hamburgers for the first time, but they are surprisingly small. I initially ask for one until I see their size.

      I am at Hopedale mall with a camera, and I need to take a picture of something beautiful. However, I forgot to take a picture of the rose flower box, and when I appear at home, I am frustrated. Wake.