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    1. Mean Octopus

      by , 03-19-2011 at 05:19 PM

      In my dream...
      I was with my sisters, I think, at some shore-side beach town with a boardwalk and shopping malls built up around it, with restaurants and stores, stairs and escalators.
      I don't know quite where this dream picked up, but we were trying to get into this swanky, special restaurant, and had to go through like a screening process. We got lucky tickets to enter, but then got zapped or shot with something, water or bullets, that left six little red welts on my stomache, lined up in a row, three on each side of my abdomen.
      I was allowed entrance.
      The restaurant was really pretty, on a roof top, lots of blues and whites. We didn't have to pay for the meal, yet it was a beautiful gourmet meal. Seafood.
      (here's where it gets weird)
      They were shooting octopuses up into the air with a cannon, and the octopuses would spin up in the air and then blimp out a parachute and swirl back down to the ground safely. They were very colorful and translucent, and it was fun to watch; but I was scared of what happened once they landed.
      I was eating some seafood dish, and it was good; but then something caught my eye to the left. Some storage door opened...one of the octopuses had gotten out. He was huge, probably 4 feet tall, tentacles twisting and moving as he pushed his way out the door.
      Then he looked at me. I can't explain how scary it was. His eyes were pure evil, surrounded in black, angled dramatically, furrowed furiously glaring, sheened over glossy, deep, black, angry stare. Right at me. It was like my vision suddenly tunneled and focused right on those eyes, horrifying.
      I was petrified! He squirmed his way over towards us, and I think I stood up and ran. I ended up at a door, apparently some place I was staying. I now had an octopus myself, and it was on the floor, only it didn't look like an octopus. It looked like a cuttlefish, changing shapes and colors, morphing right there in front of me. Then it was briefly changed into a small, reddish-brown dog, chiuahuah sized...
      I was on a ski lift, and I had an octopus around my shoulders, then it was a snake. My cat was there too, and he fell off the lift to the ground. I don't know how, but I zoomed from the chair in the air down to him, and picked him up, all the while with the snake around my shoulders. He was hurt, but he was alive.
      That's about all I remember...
      Definitely an odd dream with all the octopuses.

      I can't get the image of the octopus glaring at me out of my head, so I'm going to draw it.
      This is what one site had to say about octopuses in dreams: Octopus

      To see an octopus in your dream, means that you are entangled in some difficult matter. Your judgment is being clouded. Alternatively, the octopus indicates that you are overly possessive and maybe too clingy in a relationship.

      Which does apply...my relationship is shaky, and my boyfriend is really attached to me, and I might be ignoring my gut instinct that says I shouldn't be with him.

      Updated 03-19-2011 at 05:28 PM by 40139

      Tags: cat, octopus
      non-lucid , memorable