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    1. 01/4/11: Mirror and chaos

      by , 01-04-2011 at 10:53 PM
      I can't sleep, it's 4 in the morning. I try to lay still, barely moving anything until I can't feel my hands, just to get at peace. I fall asleep after a long struggle. At some point I find out I'm dreaming with no specific RC. I drop to the floor to stabilize. I control minor things, like the size and shape of objects. My limbs start growing weird deformations on the skin, but they don't bother me that much. Much later, the deformations have turned into dead skin flaking off. I walk around talking not really doing much. I pass a mirror for the first time and look at my horrible, deformed face for a second. It wasn't that scary in the dream, but when I woke up, I realized it was the scariest thing I had ever experienced. I have some semi-lucidity. I wake up many times during the night. I can't remember not dreaming at any moment during these 4 hours. The alarm wakes me up, I ignore it, not feeling well enough to go to school. My entire family oversleeps and my dad wakes me up to tell me. I tell him I won't be going to school today. I go back to sleep and have weird, lucid dreams. I wake up feeling scared and depressed, shaking, afraid to move. I watch some Family Guy to get back to reality

      I go back to sleep later, and I wake up. Over and over. I can't believe I have slept this long, it won't pay off when I go to bed later. Anyway, I am still sleepy, and my cat jumps up in my bed. I feel safer with company I decide to have a quick, lucid dream. I do, and I have a notion that I need to find a woman. I follow where I "know" she is going through my house. Then I am distracted as I gain lucidity again. I start walking towards my room. The closer I get to the open door with the lights on (I left them on as I went to sleep), the more my vision starts to flicker and flash in white. Everything starts shaking. I stand in the door, watching the empty bed (because no, it is impossible to enter the physical world from a dream, you can't find your true self in a dream). By my bed is a skull made of clay. This scares the crap out of me for some reason. I wake up, but I can't open my eyes. I try to calm down, it doesn't work. I try to force them open with my fingers; impossible. I sit up. I can somehow "see", even though my eyes are closed, and all I visually see is darkness. I try to figure out what to do as I suddenly wake up for real with a fast inhale. My cat is still sleeping on me. I am a little shaky. Unpleasant once again, and I am officially afraid of mirrors.
      Tags: chain, lucid, mirrors
      lucid , nightmare