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    Glimpse Into a Mad Mind

    Salutations my fellow dreamers.

    Within this dream journal, you will see the visual representations of my subconscious mind. Each dream will be stranger than the last; some will have meaning and others will not. They all, however, are windows to the brain of Schlachtfeld.

    So please, make yourself comfortable as you rifle through my uncontrolled thoughts. I'm sure you'll find at least one that interests you. For now, I bid thee farewell, and wish you all happy dreaming.

    Cordially yours,
    - Schlachtfeld

    1. Surprise DILD and it ROCKED

      by , 02-26-2011 at 09:56 PM (Glimpse Into a Mad Mind)
      So I had this big long dream and it resulted in me hanging out at the house I lived in as a child. I was climbing the stairs which were above the living room when i fell backwards and landed at the bottom. I tried to put my shoes back on because apparently they fell off, but for some reason i was having trouble getting the shoes on. As I was halfway up the staircase, I suddenly realized "Hey, wait a minute. I'm dreaming! I don't have to do this." So the first thing I thought to do was hold out my hand, snap my fingers, and hope fire would appear. To my excitement, it did! I could feel the warmth of the flames, and of course I started shooting flames everywhere. Then I tried web-slinging like spiderman but it didn't work. So i went back to my fire fun

      Then I looked down at the living room couch and decided to try to summon a DC. It took a lot of concentration and it was tough, but BOOM he appeared on my couch. So i hopped down the stairs and sat next to him on the couch. Note to all people: in a lucid dream, do be careful of what you think because you may make something happen by accident XD Why do I say this? Well for some reason in the dream I was thinking about rape (I have no idea why O_o) but when I did, the DC i summoned attempted to rape me. (Isn't that delightful...) He had my arms down but I woke up.

      Man, I love lucid dreams.
    2. Twas a Dream? Or SP?

      by , 01-27-2011 at 05:14 PM (Glimpse Into a Mad Mind)
      Ok I think I woke up in sleep paralysis again last night, but I'm not sure. I woke up for something, then drifted back to sleep. I believe I woke up again and was staring at the backs of my eyelids. I thought I heard the rustling of a plastic bag along with the voice of my stepbrother call my name. But when I heard it, I immediately thought "Don't look. It isn't real." So I kept my eyes shut and sure enough I started feeling waves of strong vibrations which got more intense, then died down, then got intense again, and so on. I thought I must be in SP and tried to put myself in a dream. It didn't work, and I eventually I got up. Thing is, I was thinking like I normally do when I'm awake and I thought I got up and moved, even though I really didn't. How much do you want to bet that if I looked at my hands when I 'got up' that they would blur or melt away or something and I would be in a lucid dream?

      But when I got up for real, I questioned that maybe I just dreamt the entire thing, but the vibrations felt so real and my thoughts were clear. I told myself "I must be in SP". I'm not sure; what do you all think?