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    1. Kameyameyah Fragments

      by , 05-01-2012 at 05:25 PM


      I had a series of short LDs with little control (probably 6). I forgot a bunch of them.

      It first began on a sand dune with Jack (I think). We were sitting on an incline, and it was about to get steeper. He said he tried to go over the cornus and he just fell because it was 27 degrees. I half-heartedly attached a rope and went over anyway. It is really fun sliding down. I become lucid on the way down. I stand up and somehow get to the top of a dune again. I look across these rolling hills into the distance. It is a beautiful view. I want to try and shoot an energy blast across to another hill. I get in position, Kame...Yame...YAH. Right before I release I see a small glowing ball in my hand. I shoot it and not much happens. It does slightly rustle the hill I was aiming at, but I couldn't see the ball shoot out or anything.

      I am in another dream and still trying to work on this skill. I remember to take a lucid pill. So I sit down and open up a pill from my pocket. It was mostly powder, but there were some big chunks too. I stand up and get onto the roof of my garage. I try some more energy blasts and fail.

      I FA on the ground outside my garage. I immediately try to WILD. I have some split personality. My other me gets to take over once I am in an LD (reading fight club IRL). I am trying to WILD, and he is too jumpy. He keeps trying to rush the process. I roll out of my body and he takes over. However, because it was rushed it isn't very stabilized. After like 45 seconds he loses it, and I am back outside the garage. I try and WILD again, this time taking longer. I am having some dialogue with the other me. My limbs start floating, and I roll out of my body. He takes over and has a longer LD with more failed energy blasts.

      This may be a different dream. But I have a fragment of me on an airplane trying the energy blasts. Instead of visualizing the blast, I visualize a nuclear chain reaction going on in my hand. I start, Kame, and picture a neutron shattering other nuclei. Yame, the chain reaction is exloding. Yah!, I imagine, all of the particles focused in one direction, like a laser. However, I still have trouble getting a strong blast. I try again and it doesn't work well.