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    Living the Dream

    Good luck trying to decipher my random wall of dreams

    1. Dead Space 3: School Zone

      by , 03-12-2011 at 06:11 AM (Living the Dream)
      Dead Space 3: School Zone (Non-lucid)


      I'm at my school. Only it is now Dead Space themed. The lighting is super low and there are windows and vents everywhere. I know that this was deliberate, as many people were talking about how this was "to scare people." The weird this was that they were trying to basicly scare themselves. I remember that there was this room, it was compact and on each wall there was a poster. These posters were scary as shit, so I kept asking to get out. I see one of my teachers walk in and say, "No, you gotta stay," but I walk out the now open door. She follows me and says, "Tell you what, if I don't see you the rest of school, you don't have to go back in that room." I think that that is resonable enough, and head up the stairs. I sit at the top and hear some people coming. They turn the corner and I see it is a girl and the teacher. I think Oh, shit, just don't do anything too big and she won't notice, and sure enough, she walked right by. I go back down the stairs, when I see that the downstairs is normal (besides the whole Dead Space thing) but now there is a hallway that wasn't there before. I go down it, now with my dad, and try to find something. I know that this hallway was straight from Dead Space 2 as I have never seen it before besides in Dead Space 2. We find who we wanted and turn a corner. The hallway was just a big U, and I'm now back where I started, only now I'm trying to talk to another teacher. Then I woke up.