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    Tides of Sleep

    1. 008: Quilted wonderland

      by , 04-20-2011 at 02:24 PM (Tides of Sleep)
      April 20, 2011

      Went to bed at 8pm, woke up at 5:30am. Heard the music in my dream, but as often happens when I'm lucid half-sleeping, I could not hear the words and though I knew it was the sound of my alarm clock, felt it a good idea to ignore it and incorporate it into my dream instead. I have horrible judgement when I'm sleeping. My dream self never wants to go to school. Eventually woken up by my mom around 6am. First lucid in a little more than a week.

      Entry 008
      I find myself in the city. I'm lucid, but as usual, I don't attempt to control the dream. I allow myself to become involved in the storyline. I see Clemens and a mixture of people from my journalism class and people from my February trip. I realize that this dream will in a way mimic that trip. The city is a mix of Vienna, Budapest and the place I live now. There are modern skyscrapers with quaint European shops and homes squished in between. At once I see museums and horse drawn carriages and then I see glass and steel buildings at another minute. We're told to go off on our own, like we were often told in Vienna. I go on a little excursion. Somehow I end up in someone's house with a grey horse, named Grani over the horse in Sigurd, the Volsung. I'm feeding the horse in metal bowl.

      Clemens comes for me. Free time is over. We end up in a low ceilinged building, kind of like a club and a hobbit hole mixed together. We're sitting at long tables eating, watching some kind of entertainment at the front. After we eat, we see a glass enclosed arcade inside. I watch from outside as some people play DDR or sing karaoke. I watch Clemens fail horribly at DDR and decide I want to play. When I try, though, the symbols on the screen are gibberish and the arrows on the pad don't work correctly. I'm kind of disappointed, dream self and lucid self, so I decide to leave.

      When I walk outside, the whole city now appears to be made out of quilted toilet paper. Also, the old European charm has vanished. If it were not for the entire city being made of toilet paper, it would look just like the main street of the city I live in now. I walk around for a bit past some familiar structures like the huge mall until I come to what looks like a ramp leading down into a parking garage. I go down. It's not a parking garage, it's the lobby of a bank. Go figure. I decide to set up an account. I'm sweating; For some reason I'm really nervous my mom is going to find out I'm setting up a bank account.

      At this point the music from my alarm clock interrupts my dream. Consciously I realize that this is my alarm clock, but I won't allow myself to get up just yet. I don't know why, but the music comes through to me without any words, only instrumentals. This gets interpreted by my dream self as some kind of new super power. The ability to remove the words from songs. What an amazing ability.

      I wake up.